Last question first...

ALWAYS take a nandroid backup before you make any big change to your device. That way you can go back if you don't like it!
1.9 IS the latest version.
Yes, you will want to wipe data and cache.
And titanium, you can restore apps, and app data without too much risk of causing problems... but if you restore system/data, you WILL have issues. The framework that focused is based on is significantly different from the MotoBlur, that you are sure to cause issues by doing so.
Great questions! If you do have questions, always good to ask before you dive in..

Thanks a lot Sephtin!!
I downloaded rom manager, should I install the rom that way by going to install rom from sd card or should I do another way and if u can give me the link to the latest rubix i would appreciate it. rom manager only has 1.0 this is my first time installing a rom so i dont want to screw this up.
Link should be in the first post of the 1.9.0 thread on these forums (in the drod2169 subforums).
I personally don't use ROM Manager for much anymore. I just do everything via the Droid X Bootstrapper application. You need that app even if you already have ROM Manager anyway... so just as easy to do it directly via that method, as ROM Manager just reboots into the Droid X Bootstapper's recovery anyway.
The instructions aren't on the first post of the 1.9.0 thread... But the instructions are exactly the same as they are for 1.8.6, and 1.8.9... Check the 1.8.6 thread first post for instructions... Basically, they are:
--Copy the .zip to your SDCard
--Reboot into recovery using the Droid X Bootstrapper app
(In recovery, use the volume rocker to navigate the menus, the camera button to select, and the back button to go up a menu on the phone)
--In the menu, go to backup and restore, and take a backup. (Backups are saved in /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup), then hit the back button to return to the main menu.
--From the main menu, select install .zip from sdcard
--Then select choose .zip from sdcard
--Select the .zip you're installing
--Select "yes" (you'll know which one)
--Once the install finishes, hit the back button on the phone to take you back to the main menu, and choose mounts and storage, then format cache, then format data.
--Once complete, back again to the main menu, and select reboot.
***should*** boot up into Focused.
If you get a boot loop (common issue):
--Pull the battery.
--Hold the home button down while you put the battery back in.
--Let go of the home button when you see the M logo.
--It should boot into android recovery (little droid with a ! in a triangle). Hit the search button.
--From the menu, select format cache, then format data, then reboot.
Should boot into Focused.
If you run into any troubles, just post, and someone will be happy to help!