Sanjay Jha's "Superphone"

UPDATE: AT&T has made a deal with Motorola and will likely be the first carrier to launch a dual-core phone running Gingerbread (which might actually turn out to be Android 3.0 – that is still uncertain). That device is the Motorola Olympus MB860, which we have lovingly been referring to as the Terminator.

To read more check out the article at Androidandme.

Cereal Killer I look up some information on this phone and They said that it is going to all carriers. I read that a deal was made between Motorola and AT&T. But it did not say what kind of a deal. I could not find anywhere that AT&T will get this phone first. As far as a read it just extended the contract they had together. I like this phone for what I have heard so far. From what I heard from a friend from Verizon is that the Iphone and a Motorola phone is going to be the 1st 2 phone that will be pushing out for LTE.. I am praying that he is right... If you have articles that is saying that AT&T will be the first to get the phone please send it to me and I will show it to him.

I got some of the articles That said AT&T will be 1st. thank You anyway.