Please do not promote any blogs on the Droid Forums.
From our Guidelines:
7. Do not promote your websites, domains, company, or services in any of the discussion forums. This includes starting a thread, replying to a post, or putting it in your signature. If a member is seeking assistance or looking for a certain type of product, the best way to offer your services is to send a PM. The only way people are allowed to advertise on this site is of they are paying to do so. Please contact the ADMINs if you wish to become a Supporting Vendor.
Any further posts be deleted and persons responsible for posting may receive an infraction
I received another pm from Martin, and now you decided to vent everything out on public rather than send me a pm so I can take care of the issue. Please get with Martin, I was asked to provide a linkback on the blog and that will suffice DF policy.
PS. Can you link me to those "premium services" of advertisement.
Nobody is getting on you. I'm explaining why the threads are deleted and what the rules are. Nothing more.
have you contact Martin? I really need to fix this issue