I haven't posted in here for a while, but after about a month of using this battery, here are my thoughts.
- The battery does not live up to the expectations in terms of battery life. During the week, when I don't use the phone that much, I can get about 48 hours of usage in mostly standby/downtime. On the weekends however, I've yet to make it a full day without completely draining the battery. On average, I'll have about 3 1/2 hours of phone display time before it drains (which counts as about 60% of my overall usage...standy, etc. being the next highest). Granted, that's quite a bit of usage, but it's not even close to double the kind of usage that I would get out of the stock battery. On a typical heavy use weekend day, I'm getting 8-9 hours out of the battery. For the record, I have GPS, Auto-Sync, and Wireless all turned off (and are never used, except for GPS on rare occasions), along with auto-brightness. I do have my phone OC'ed at between 800-1000mhz depending on the day however.
- When pulling it off of the charger, I'm at about 4180mv. After extremely light usage in the morning, I'm down to 3950 or so. Just by sitting on my desk and not being used, I'll drop below 3800 rather quickly. On workdays that I happen to use Radiotime or Droidlive for about two hours, I'll drop under 3700 by the end of the day (usually about 10 hours after being pulled off the charger).
- Seidio may have a good reputation, but I sure have seen a lot of people who have "duds". Their return policy is a massive pain in the butt, and after mutliple emails and correspondence regarding either a complete return or a replacement for the Extended Battery I have, I've yet to get someone who can help me. They continuosly say that I need to return it to the place I bought it, which was on amazon. That's fine for a return, but for a manufacture replacement, I should be able to go directly to the company.
- I don't know what was changed with the last Battery Left update, but other than using it for the mv reading, I don't get anything close to accurate readings anymore, even after multiple calibrations. When I pull it off the charger, it will estimate my time as less than four hours. I'm usually showing that my phone should be dead within 3-4 hours of usage every day.
Overall, I think that I probably am getting a little bit of extra time out of the Seidio Battery...but it is worlds away from the length of time I should expect with something that it almost double the size of the stock battery. I'm strongly considering a switch back to the OEM (I have two of them), and just replacing the battery when it dies. It's not something I prefer to do, as I've always been a fan of extended life batteries in my phones...but the frustration level at this point is starting to not be worth the effort. A battery shouldn't be something that I have to focus on all day long...and with this one, I do.