Hi all,
So I charged the 2600 up to 100%, let it run down with my normal usage. Whilst I get 30-32 hours out of the stock battery, I got less than 21 hours out of this.
My guess is that in the same way the phone really doesn't know when the battery is getting properly down to 0%, it also has no real idea when it is fully charged, therefore when it hits 100% it's actually more likely to be somewhere around 40% or something. I'm guessing this based on the fact that it claims I managed to fully charge the phone from my laptop USB in under 2 hours! It is currently running at about 3800mV thinking it's 100%. Which is wrong. If I unplug/replug it drops to 50%. Totally messed up! I suspect this is why so many people here think that the battery is underperforming - they're taking it off charge thinking it's fully charged when it actually isn't.
I'll let it stay on charge for the rest of the day and overnight, see how much difference that makes.
The downside is that Battery Left at least needs to know when the battery is completely full and completely empty to get useful calibration data. I've got a mechanism for calculating 0% (wait til the phone turns off after becoming completely flat!) but will have to figure out some way of knowing when it's really fully charged.
The other downside is that I'm pretty sure the calculations are made within the phones firmware, out of control of even a custom Android ROM - I'm no ROM/firmware expert but I don't see how this could be properly fixed by a software update.