bought the battery when i first bought my droid, and have not put research into the life. i have noticed the 5% restart misread fix, and its a *****. i wish i could get an actual read, im now starting the battery left method, and will keep inputting into of past ive had the battery for a few months, with standard 1 day off charger until nightly charge(with random nights off charge, where battery reset gave a proper read and lived till i could get to charger)now given ive never done a proper battery drain/charge, i have 0 data, as ive never let the phone die(its a rather uh... essential lifeline for my line of business) as well as running task managers, apn managers, and running minimal settings all the time.obviously, there are quite a few people with this battery that want a proper app.would you guys be interested in throwing togethter to make a bounty thread for a proper battery read fix, or a proper app to read the battery?
also, sorry for the block of text. my proxy for school does that sometimes, and i wasnt going to type that block of text through tapatalk, will reformat when i get home with the proper spacing