Just flashed 3/19 and 4g picked up and transmitted data successfully with in 20 seconds of my phone powering on. I no longer have to switch to GSM and back to LTE/CDMA. That being said this change has also come around since I STOPPED using the "Reboot" option on my phone. Earlier in this thread someone said that they only had problems with 4G when they used the reboot function instead of powering off and back on again. since I have stopped using reboot my 4G problems prior to 3/19 were limited and now they are gone.
When I flash the new nightly I only wipe cache and dalvak cache NOT DATA.
Also any help on how to overclock would be very helpful. there was a post earlier that described the process but it was very unclear on certain things and I have never used droid 4 utility's so I would need a little bit more in depth of a guide. Any help is appreciated!
How is going from 4G to WiFi?