The curved screen doesn't help the comparison either.
Very true
The curved screen doesn't help the comparison either.
Good stuff, thanks for posting it all over here. I just don't get over to MDW very often to check things out, they keep me pretty busy here![]()
What's interesting is that he has screen shots for both 16 and 32 gig storage options. Since he only deals with Verizon phones, this leads me to believe one of two things. Either these are still test models and storage size hasn't been finalized...or best case scenario, Verizon is getting both versions.
Edit: Notice the second video above has two Nexus' side by side. I'm going to assume for the time being that one is the 16 gig and the other is the 32 gig...
Call me crazy, but I'm betting Verizon gives us the 32gb version for $299. Maybe just wishful thinking...
Not one bit crazy. Also, 16gb at $249.
I worry that if it does happen it won't be the best case - 16 gig @ $299 and 32 gig @ $349.
I worry that if it does happen it won't be the best case - 16 gig @ $299 and 32 gig @ $349.
I think the worst part of a $349 device is that VZW has definitely shown a trend of once they hit a price point, they don't like to back away from it.
Honestly I don't mind paying $349 for the 32GB Nexus, I think it's worth that (if it holds up) because I'll be using it for nearly 2 years. I can't think of anything I buy for $350 bucks that last 2 years now a days.
I've blown twice that on a Monitor that didn't last 2 years and it does of hell of a lot less than the Nexus will for me.
Honestly I don't mind paying $349 for the 32GB Nexus, I think it's worth that (if it holds up) because I'll be using it for nearly 2 years. I can't think of anything I buy for $350 bucks that last 2 years now a days.
I've blown twice that on a Monitor that didn't last 2 years and it does of hell of a lot less than the Nexus will for me.
I couldn't agree more.
$359 isn't a bad deal at all. Not only is this phone a beast but I recall a story on BGR a long time ago that showed that Apple really doesn't make a profit from ATT (at the time), I think they made $50 off of each phone and where they really made their money was their contract with ATT because obviously they get people to sign 2 year smartphone data contracts and a majority of those are at or over $100 a month.
Forgive my cynicism, but I think that's Verizon's marketing working at its best. If someone thinks the Razr or Bionic "is worth that (if it holds up)", but Moto was charging $350, people would be all over Moto for pulling that. Verizon was the first, and might still be the only, carrier to start pushing price points above $200 for the latest on-contract phones. I can almost understand pushing it up to $250 or $300 on the LTE phones - I might not agree with it, but I can almost understand it. Though, $300 is pushing it, and honestly I feel they're using their technology and status as the first/fastest as an excuse to charge those prices, especially on an immature, less reliable network. But it's new technology all the way around, and business is business.
But $350 crosses that line for me, and honestly I would almost call gouging (for lack of a word with lesser "umph" behind it). The specs on the Gnex are no better (if not worse in a couple of categories) than some of the latest and greatest, so if they come out charging $350 for a phone just b/c it has 16gb more on board than most phones, I'm calling major foul.
Unfortunately, things are worth what people are willing to pay for them.