a few things......
i said eariler i would see how the battery life would work over night. last night i came close, but i'll share the almost accurate results....
the phone was fully charged (100% showing in green) at some point during the night, it was unplugged and sitting on my bar. i went to bed at 9:30, and woke up at 5:50. when i turned the alarm off, it said 95%. my phone is overclocked, so keep that in mind. i'm sure my phone was unplugged from the charger no eariler than 8pm. again, not too sure about all the exact details, i'll try again.
other issue....
my phone seems possesed! i have iheartradio installed and twice yesterday music randomly played, no the app was not on either. i just had music playing. when i checked the phone, i started iheartradio and the song that was playing with out the app on, was the song playing when the app was started. weird huh? that has never happened before. this morning i uninstalled the app, re downloaded it and re installed it. i'll see if it happens again.