Just over 3 weeks in and I've loaded every app I want and need. On my old phone I would usually not run full boat, meaning I'd be a little more careful about not overdoing it. Not to mention I was constantly ROM'ing the last few months so I never really had a chance to run full boat.
This mother is taking it all with aplomb. (Love that word [aplomb, not mother]).
Turbo says: "Is that all you got?"
The battery is great, but I do question that 2 day claim. I remain skeptical. Even when I don't play Ingress, the best I've done is 45% remaining after a full day. So going overnight without a charge and expecting it to go the next day? No chance, unless you baby it.
I am in love with the Turbo charger, though. Get home from work, down to 28%. Got a bunch of running around to do. Plug in the phone in the kitchen, get my kid ready for Tae Kwan Do and by the time we leave I can EASILY make it the rest of the evening.
Overall, I'd give the Turbo a solid 8.5/10.
Not a 9 because:
A) No phone is 10.
B) Not totally in love with the form factor. The G3 is my personal favorite for "in the hand" feel.
C) The Ballistic Nylon. Hate it. I have 2 frays on the phone, and Google (search) says this is common. They are tiny, but annoying. So I guess I will have to get a case now. The main reason I got this phone was the battery and the "break it, we'll replace it" warranty. So I would have no worries going naked.
*Note: On my personal scale, no phone has ever rated 8.5. So take that into consideration...