right hear with ya if i could go back to stock and start over i would i was happy with droidmod 1 but wanted to try something new and i did some thing wrong
I thought jailbreaking my iphone was a pain in the ass when i first did it, until i figured it out, like an hour of digging and just like that i was jailbroken. After 7 hours of trying everything this freaking unrooting and getting software is like a rubiks cube made out of razor blades!!!
After I did that now my phone is stuck in boot up mode, i just keep getting the motorola symbol. UGHHHHHHHHH, Oh how I miss my restore in itunes with my shotty ATT service. Ok i got an idea maybe ill try this: up up down down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start ............................... Nope that didnt work. Im starting to go crazy I'm in like the 8th hour now and counting. Please someone help, I know its not user error, there has to be something wrong somewhere. Im not the only person there are many people with same problem. I must beat this phone!!!!
Let me also say I need your help and I greatly appreciate it. Thank you
I thought jailbreaking my iphone was a pain in the ass when i first did it, until i figured it out, like an hour of digging and just like that i was jailbroken. After 7 hours of trying everything this freaking unrooting and getting software is like a rubiks cube made out of razor blades!!!
I've stuck with the manual processes instead of the automatic apps. I may have taken 10 hours to read through and understand what was going on but I did that reading in a non-panic mode at my own leisure, vs 7 hours of creating bald spots on my head when perhaps I had other plans. Clockwork has definitely added a few twists to the puzzle. Those who have it figured out fail to see how confusing things get for those who are having problems with it.