
My browser is free... Tapatalk costs $2.99. While not about the money, I'm not gonna buy something I can already do for free.

So you walk every where? barefoot no less...

I use the web browser until I hear a compelling enough argument to use something else.
I use Tapatalk when i am out and about but when im home i use my computer.
I didn't think it would be something that I would actually use, but after getting it and using it a bit I really like it. Makes it really easy to check and post on forums when I am not close to my computer.
tapatalk now has a widget........yeah
My browser is free... Tapatalk costs $2.99. While not about the money, I'm not gonna buy something I can already do for free.

I agree why pay for something when I can do the same thing for free!! I'm not about to spend money I don't have on something I don't need.
Another agreement. I'm not having any trouble viewing or posting with my Droid for free. I might try a free version of the app and then decide I have to have it, but am not willing to pay to find out.
It's a terribly designed application. It speeds up the process by giving you the bare minimum. I use the mobile site.
Not only that but the stupid footer messages it posts saying "" makes me want to murder babies by the dozen. Really annoying.

lol I had to laugh at this one Hugh...

why does a silly footer bother you so much?

I could understand if it gave your computer BSOD's or if it made a blinding glare come out of your monitor but it's just a few words hahahahahah

this would be annoying too......... LOL

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk



I discovered a couple of new forums with Tapatalk I might not know about otherwise.
Today's update broke something, though -- sometimes it just says "receiving from server" and then "processing" on the. Latest tab.Going to email the dev about it.

Sent from my Droid using TARDIStalk
I went ahead and purchased it a while back (before there was a free trial) because damn near every forum I was on used it. Tried it for about an hour and was quite dissatisfied. If it would allow me to browse in more detail, not just recent posts, I would use it more, but it just doesn't let me get to the content I truly want to see.
No but I do have tapatalk. I am a forum owner myself and quite a few members on my forum use tapatalk. I find it much easier to navigate on tapatalk than on the browser.
No but I do have tapatalk. I am a forum owner myself and quite a few members on my forum use tapatalk. I find it much easier to navigate on tapatalk than on the browser.

Yes it is much easier to navigate. Takes 4 times longer to navigate with the browser. I believe a significant amount of the negative votes are due to people not spending much time with it.