
I would not use an app just for this forum.
I use an app that does a LOT of forums.
I would not use an app just for this forum.
I use an app that does a LOT of forums.

It does do a lot of Android Forums, not just this one. It's just that it's hard to navigate and I find that using buy browser is easier.

Gets my vote for most uselessa app.
i downloaded it from the market last week and it didnt work so i got a refund. It would say loading or processing and never do anything. By the way its very annoying to be reminded and having to click cancel everytime i visit this site through my droid.
Vitsdroid I had the same problem when I flashed a ROM and strangely it turned out to be a kernel problem.

Sent from my Droid
I ONLY use Tapatalk when on my Droid! It's a LOT faster than the browser, especially inputting text.

Tapatalk was recently updated (maybe two weeks ago?) and it's a hundred times better since the update. After surfing the forums for a few minutes after seeing the update, I was so happy with the app that I made the purchase for the full version. Haven't looked back since ;)
Bump... Please vote if you haven't already!
bump, if we had our own DroidForums.net App that was 100% free would you use it?

I am for this too, I paid for Tapatalk and DF is the only Forum I use it for. While on the go I mostly use Tapatalk, although sometimes the Droids Browser does things Tapatalk cannot, like post links properly for one and have multiple pages open for two.
Gets my vote for most uselessa app.

Why, why, why do I let hook's posts like this get under my skin so often, I ask you? I need a %@%@%@ psychologist so I don't yank out my hair while reading df.net. Is there a hookbill support group for me?