blah blah everyone always says the next product is going to be the (insert apple product) killer and it never is. I paid extra money to have it now, not wait for some phantom tablet that doesn't exist yet. And even when it does come out it will be behind for apps etc.The iPad would be good if it was actually priced accordingly for what it can (or more like can't) do. It is basically an big Ipod touch and so you are basically paying $300 for 5 more inches of screen space.... is it worth that much? On top of that you can get a netbook that can do a lot more than what the ipad can for much cheaper. But apple overprices their products all the time so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But if people have the money to spend on this luxury item than more power to them.
But I'm wondering for those of you that have already gotten an iPad or are thinking of getting one even considered or just know of all of the other tablets that are coming out later this year such as the HP slate, Notion Adam Ink, Lenovo U1, Microsoft Courier, ect.? And these other companies have been developing their tablets long before the iPad was announced. I have a feeling that a lot of you iPad lovers will start to realize how limited the iPad is when you see these other devices having basic features like a camera, removable SD memory, built in USB ports, HDMI, Flash, true multitasking, ect.
The ipad is dumb, a big giant itouch, and a netbook does a lot more than what the ipad does now. I had the original Iphone before I came over to the droid, it isnt all that..
But I am losing interest in the droid.. been happening slowly over the last 2-3 months. It doesn't really satisfy me...I mean it does the job by letting me look something up quick or navigate when I need to but other than that, the apps are subpar...whole lot of reasons I wont get into, lol.
Anyways I am most likely jumping ship to Windows phone, I love the Zune stuff and best part is they enforcing some standards so no fragmentation like there is in Android.
Any laptop made in the last 10 years is an "ipad killer" because it has more features.blah blah everyone always says the next product is going to be the (insert apple product) killer and it never is. I paid extra money to have it now, not wait for some phantom tablet that doesn't exist yet. And even when it does come out it will be behind for apps etc.The iPad would be good if it was actually priced accordingly for what it can (or more like can't) do. It is basically an big Ipod touch and so you are basically paying $300 for 5 more inches of screen space.... is it worth that much? On top of that you can get a netbook that can do a lot more than what the ipad can for much cheaper. But apple overprices their products all the time so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But if people have the money to spend on this luxury item than more power to them.
But I'm wondering for those of you that have already gotten an iPad or are thinking of getting one even considered or just know of all of the other tablets that are coming out later this year such as the HP slate, Notion Adam Ink, Lenovo U1, Microsoft Courier, ect.? And these other companies have been developing their tablets long before the iPad was announced. I have a feeling that a lot of you iPad lovers will start to realize how limited the iPad is when you see these other devices having basic features like a camera, removable SD memory, built in USB ports, HDMI, Flash, true multitasking, ect.
Once again, another "you probably can't afford it" response. LOL. :icon_ banana:Yep works great. Don't listen to the iPad haters, none of them even own one to compare it to. Half of them had their parents or some other significant other buy their Droid, they couldn't even buy THAT on their own.
1. Battery lasts forever. Even turning off wifi, religiously trying to conserve power, my Droid barely lasts all day. When I travel I need to carry two extra spare batteries per day to make it through.Name five things your ipad can do that the droid cannot already do. The ipad is an over-sized ipod touch that even uses the same firmware / OS -- it took the least innovation out of anything apple has spewed out over the last couple of years. I'm hardly dissing anyone personally for buying it as much as I'm saying how utterly useless the product is, so I don't really see the need for personal insults here. If someone gave me a free ipad it'd go straight to ebay or get destroyed in the most hilarious fashion possible. When you're my financial advisor you can feel free to state my purchasing power, but until then your claims are merely immature.
2. Surfing on the internet and typing into text boxes doesn't suddenly catapult the browser to the bottom of the webpage.
3. Even overclocked at 1250MHz my Droid operates much less smoothly than my iPad.
4. More, better apps and games on my iPad
5. Movies on a screen that is much bigger
6. Typing on the iPad keyboard is much nicer
7. My iPad doesn't lock up and require a reboot
8. The iPad natively supports Arabic font in the browser...even after rooting and spending days looking for a solution, the Droid doesn't support this...AT ALL. You can get the Arabic characters to display but the letters don't connect like they should, rendering the text almost unreadable.
9. My iPad plays movies, music, photos, PDF documents, you name it. My Droid does all that too, but I wouldn't even CONSIDER watching or listening to music on my Droid because no way my battery would last throughout the day if I did.
10. My iPad plays Flash just as well as the Droid.
11. Easy ways to copy, paste, and place the cursor in the middle of text
All that is just off the top of my head.
Right now I use my Droid for three things: basic phone functions like calls and texts. Basic internet functions like searching for a phone number on Google. Tethering to my iPad for internet access.
I've lost about 99% of my interest in the Droid. Honestly, I hated Apple products in the past...but truth be told - if the iPhone works as seamlessly as the iPad...I'll ditch my Droid the day the iPhone comes out.
And I hated Steve Jobs, Apple products, etc for the longest time.
The Droid just doesn't hold a candle whatsoever. Much slower, choppier, buggier, and laggier.
wow, I can't believe that this came from a guys with more than 4000 posts. I don't have an iPad yet, maybe after thanksgiving. I feel no need for it at this time, but your post (honestly) might change my mind.
The iPad would be good if it was actually priced accordingly for what it can (or more like can't) do. It is basically an big Ipod touch and so you are basically paying $300 for 5 more inches of screen space.... is it worth that much? On top of that you can get a netbook that can do a lot more than what the ipad can for much cheaper. But apple overprices their products all the time so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But if people have the money to spend on this luxury item than more power to them.
But I'm wondering for those of you that have already gotten an iPad or are thinking of getting one even considered or just know of all of the other tablets that are coming out later this year such as the HP slate, Notion Adam Ink, Lenovo U1, Microsoft Courier, ect.? And these other companies have been developing their tablets long before the iPad was announced. I have a feeling that a lot of you iPad lovers will start to realize how limited the iPad is when you see these other devices having basic features like a camera, removable SD memory, built in USB ports, HDMI, Flash, true multitasking, ect.
iPad is too limited for $500The iPad would be good if it was actually priced accordingly for what it can (or more like can't) do. It is basically an big Ipod touch and so you are basically paying $300 for 5 more inches of screen space.... is it worth that much? On top of that you can get a netbook that can do a lot more than what the ipad can for much cheaper. But apple overprices their products all the time so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But if people have the money to spend on this luxury item than more power to them.
But I'm wondering for those of you that have already gotten an iPad or are thinking of getting one even considered or just know of all of the other tablets that are coming out later this year such as the HP slate, Notion Adam Ink, Lenovo U1, Microsoft Courier, ect.? And these other companies have been developing their tablets long before the iPad was announced. I have a feeling that a lot of you iPad lovers will start to realize how limited the iPad is when you see these other devices having basic features like a camera, removable SD memory, built in USB ports, HDMI, Flash, true multitasking, ect.
personally, I think $500 is a good price for the ipad. Agree that the Netbook can do more, but it's a piece of cheap device, I already have a PC. My Droid can do better. Ipad has the apps store to support them, other tablets have no apps to run on. They support flash, great...I hate flash. Wanna watch movies on ipad, pay $9 a month to Netflix, then you're set.
That sucks, I have had nothing but good experiences with my phone.Call the iPad what you will , but the facts stand , it is a great device that gives the owner a great web surfing experience.*
All these others slated to come out are studying the iPad and doing their best to duplicate it's functions.
I think the reason that the iPhone/iPad apps are so great is because artistic people have embraced apple products and *
*created apps from an artistic perspective whereas android people are more technical*
minded and the apps come from that perspective. I will take apps created by an artistic person over those created by a technical minded person . They are just more pleasing and beautiful.
So many of the droid apps are very poor and do not take advantage of droids very high resolution screen. So far I haven't seen a droid app that impresses me. The phone function is horrible, it blanks out and you can't get the phone screen to return so you can hang up , this happens so often with my droid, I at times, want to slam it against a brick wall. Also, I have had the droid receive a call and refuse to bring up the phone screen. It is as though motorola could not decide wether the droid would be a phone that you could also use as a computer or a computer that could be used as a phone. So they ended up with a box of technologies that don't know how to work together. I really am not happy with my droid , my daughter got an Eris and it is much better, it is a great phone and a decent Internet browser, the phones functions just work together better that the droid. This is fact.