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Tether for my ipad

Like I said, I would rather have artistic looking than professinal looking apps. There is not a single music app, (guitar, piano or synth) that is in the same league as the many written for the ipad/touch. I continue to wait for a decent piano/guitar app for the droid. There have been attemps , extremely poor attempts. *I will continue to use my droid for telephone calls and as a wifi hotspot for my ipad but that is about it . My days of playing games, watching videos , listening to music and surfing with the droid are over.
Ipad rule!! * *
oh and one other thing the droid stores the apps on the memory in the device , what is It 256 mb? I downloaded apps and have just about used up that storage space , what happens then? No more apps? That is friggggiinn nuts. Can anybody tell me what happens when that storage is filled?
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oh and one other thing the droid stores the apps on the memory in the device , what is It 256 mb? I downloaded apps and have just about used up that storage space , what happens then? No more apps? That is friggggiinn nuts. Can anybody tell me what happens when that storage is filled?

The same as you do on an iPhone/iPad - Delete some.
Ditto in the brick wall thing! I actually chucked it across the room a few weeks ago at the fireplace. Ended up with a nice battle wound on my screen :)

Nice to hear some people have had no issues, my experience has been the complete opposite since day one.

Sure the droid has all these great multi tasking capabilities, but the truth is I don't take advantage of it because it's such an awful experience. Web browsing is painful. I'm overclocked to 1ghz and everything is still choppy and laggy.

Even bringing up a simple thing like the dialer takes several seconds. This is unacceptable.

Like matthew said, all I use this thing for now is phone calls, texting, facebook, looking up addresses and phone numbers, and occasional gps.

It's pretty sad that I have to try hard not to use my phone throughout the day just so my battery makes it through the day. My roommate is on her iphone all freaking day and has no problems with the battery being drained by 6 pm when the phone has been in standby doing nothing like mine.

All this technology and better display is great on paper, but in the real world it doesn't count for squat if the droid can't handle everyday functions like a normal phone

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
The iPad would be good if it was actually priced accordingly for what it can (or more like can't) do. It is basically an big Ipod touch and so you are basically paying $300 for 5 more inches of screen space.... is it worth that much? On top of that you can get a netbook that can do a lot more than what the ipad can for much cheaper. But apple overprices their products all the time so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But if people have the money to spend on this luxury item than more power to them.

But I'm wondering for those of you that have already gotten an iPad or are thinking of getting one even considered or just know of all of the other tablets that are coming out later this year such as the HP slate, Notion Adam Ink, Lenovo U1, Microsoft Courier, ect.? And these other companies have been developing their tablets long before the iPad was announced. I have a feeling that a lot of you iPad lovers will start to realize how limited the iPad is when you see these other devices having basic features like a camera, removable SD memory, built in USB ports, HDMI, Flash, true multitasking, ect.

personally, I think $500 is a good price for the ipad. Agree that the Netbook can do more, but it's a piece of cheap device, I already have a PC. My Droid can do better. Ipad has the apps store to support them, other tablets have no apps to run on. They support flash, great...I hate flash. Wanna watch movies on ipad, pay $9 a month to Netflix, then you're set.
iPad is too limited for $500

"piece of cheap device"? Apple products have a huge markup, just because you are paying a lot doesn't mean it isn't cheap to make.

even before the ipad is introduced, how much would you think the kindle DX worth? $100 or $500? Who would buy a $500 kindle vs $500 ipad? obviously, there are some people would paid $500 for a kindle, but many will pick the ipad. Same to the Toyota Camry vs the Lexus ES350, it's basically a same car throughout, and the difference in price is somewhere 12k-15k. And how many of the ES350 that you see out of the street? Recently, I took a trip to Hawaii, and the airport and on a plane, I see only 2 Droids (mine is one), and everyone else either use iphone or itouch (can't the difference from a distance, they kind look a same). I also noticed that more kids are playing apple than Nitendo DS at the airport.

We all have heard so much about the up and coming tablets/slates since the last CES, but have you seen one that is working. They all prototyped version. They all don't have a clue how the market will react to it. They all wait for the ipad. I really like the ipad, but probably will wait for the HP islate to come out. I would like to have a USB port on these device (that is all I need, a USB port to play my movies collection awhile on the road. We travel a lot, and I do not want to pay $2k-$3k for a DVD player built-in to my SUV, or those cheap DVD portable players with no battery life)
Like I said, I would rather have artistic looking than professinal looking apps. There is not a single music app, (guitar, piano or synth) that is in the same league as the many written for the ipad/touch. I continue to wait for a decent piano/guitar app for the droid. There have been attemps , extremely poor attempts. *I will continue to use my droid for telephone calls and as a wifi hotspot for my ipad but that is about it . My days of playing games, watching videos , listening to music and surfing with the droid are over.
Ipad rule!! * *
oh and one other thing the droid stores the apps on the memory in the device , what is It 256 mb? I downloaded apps and have just about used up that storage space , what happens then? No more apps? That is friggggiinn nuts. Can anybody tell me what happens when that storage is filled?
Why did you even bother getting a Droid? You seem to be a huge apple ...

Also you have your phone # under "phone" you should put Droid or whatever phone you have and not the #.
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I got the Droid because it was the best phone (and still is for me) Verizon has to offer and Verizon is the only cell carrier with 3G in my area.
I jumped from an iPhone 3gs to the Droid and couldn't be happier. Having said that, Apple makes kewl stuff. I am anxiously awaiting my iPad 3g. But when Google makes a tablet, I'm there. Android > iPhone OS because of freedom and flexibility. I cant stand Steve Jobs telling me what I can and cannot load on MY computer/phone/tablet. Sure, you could jailbreak, but I find the Android dev community more vibrant and interesting.

My humble opinion of course. :)
I personally don't really care how smooth the iPad is, or how many apps the iTunes App Store has, or how many games it has, or any other number of things. Comparing the Droid to the iPad is an apples-to-oranges comparison. As long as the iPad locks you into Apple's ecosystem, it is worthless. If it requires iTunes on my computer, that's an instant deal breaker right away. When I had my Blackberry Storm, I also bought an iPod Touch for games and apps and all that. But on a three week military temporary duty assignment to Las Vegas, I figured out exactly why Apple's way is not my way...even something so simple as loading new pictures onto my iPod Touch from my laptop (when I usually synced it to my desktop gaming PC) was all but impossible. I struggled with the realization, why couldn't I just add new pictures onto the iPod? Why does it have to delete EVERYTHING I already had on it just to freaking sync with my laptop?

Android is more open and functional than the iPhone OS. For me, that's period, dot, end of story. With my Droid, I can usually make it work the way I want it to...with Apple products, I have to adapt to the way Steve Jobs wants me to do it.

And for a power user like me, that's unacceptable.
Another thing that burns me up is this dam rooting of the droid, when I got the droid what I heard and read was that the droid was not like the iPhone , that it was open and you could run any apps you wanted that you had complete control of your phone. After owning it a little while i find out in order to do some of things I bought it for I would have to root it ( jailbreak right?), all this control I was supposed to have was a lie. Verizon wanted control of my phone afterall , turns out it was the iPhone all over again. To tell you the truth if I had known that I would have to violate my warranty by rooting it , I would not have gone with it.
Oh , and no, the iPhone or iPad does not store it's apps in a miserable 256mb of ram. It stores the apps to the gigabytes of ram , the droid does not use it's gigabytes for app storage . That is just not acceptable. This severly limits the number of apps you can have on your device. How do rest of you feel about this?
I feel I got suckered into buying the droid , the thing that redeems it is that I have turned it into a wifi hotspot for my iPad.
Jailbreaking is not comparable to rooting. For one, Google doesn't fight tooth and nail to keep you from rooting like Apple does with jailbreaking.
From a non technical point of view rooting and jail breaking feel the same, they both involve doing things that violate your warranty and can brick both devices. To say rooting is not jail breaking seems to me to be disingenuous.
They may not technically be the same but the end result is voided warranties and possibly bricked phones. Am I right?
Another thing that burns me up is this dam rooting of the droid, when I got the droid what I heard and read was that the droid was not like the iPhone , that it was open and you could run any apps you wanted that you had complete control of your phone. After owning it a little while i find out in order to do some of things I bought it for I would have to root it ( jailbreak right?), all this control I was supposed to have was a lie. Verizon wanted control of my phone afterall , turns out it was the iPhone all over again. To tell you the truth if I had known that I would have to violate my warranty by rooting it , I would not have gone with it.

Oh , and no, the iPhone or iPad does not store it's apps in a miserable 256mb of ram. It stores the apps to the gigabytes of ram , the droid does not use it's gigabytes for app storage . That is just not acceptable. This severly limits the number of apps you can have on your device. How do rest of you feel about this?

I feel I got suckered into buying the droid , the thing that redeems it is that I have turned it into a wifi hotspot for my iPad.
hard to read...

sell your Droid and get an iphone, you seem to like that kind of thing more. The only thing I wish I had on my phone that I could get with rooting is wifi tethering. No use for it yet, but might have one in the future, lol.

The apps aren't installed on ram... and where they are installed is not a big issue for me. I haven't run out of space yet. Most apps are less than 1mb, so that means currently I could install over 120 MORE apps. That is not limiting for me.
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Let me play devil's advocate. Verizon/AT&T are selling you primarily PHONES - for you to make calls. The fact that they are indeed small portable computers is a bonus. However, MOST people have no clue what they are doing, so unless they implement SOME protections (for overwriting system files, for example), then the number of people bricking their PHONES would skyrocket, creating a nightmare support scenario.

The difference between Apple and Google is simple and has nothing to do with jailbreaking/rooting. The Droid has a built in officially developed option to allow installation of applications outside of Market. Apple does not. And therein lies the biggest difference. I can install whatever I want from whomever I want, and Google is not censoring my choices, whereas Apple is.

Once you jailbreak/root (same difference), then you are on your own. Expecting AT&T, Verizon, Motorola, or Apple to support you after you've removed the protections they put in place is unrealistic. Truth is that if you know enough to root, you should know enough to get yourself out of a bind by reflashing a stock ROM onto your device, and if you don't, then perhaps you shouldn't be jailbreaking/rooting in the first place.

Apple's tight control will condemn it to remain a niche company. Sure, they are selling a lot and making a lot of money, which in the end is the main objective of any company. But they are still 10% of the PC industry for a reason. They take the P out of PC. It is MY computer, and I will do with it what I want, thank you. :)
So what you are telling me is love it or leave it, hmmm funny, that is exactly what Archie Bunker used to say when you disagreed with him. One cannot just leave it . I signed a two year lease. If you own a droid you know this. I am stating facts here, I am not insulting you, am I.? Why not take part in this conversation in a constructive way? Peace...
Thank you, that was succinct and lucid. You are, of course, correct. I do take full responsibility for tinkering with the droid. I just did not know I would have to root it to get where i needed to be.