It's interesting. I think I used to get about a 20% discount from AT&T (was a customer there for eight years). With AllTel, I think it was about 15%, but now, 8%? I feel cheated. I think it might have something to do with the way the code the discount. With AT&T, I was classified as a state employee, since I work in a public school system that pays into a state retirement account.
Puzzling, for sure. However, if I don't get my Droid issues resolved, I might just end back up at AT&T with an iPhone 3GS that already has the bugs worked out of it, and a phone that plays nicely with my Mac and my existing software.
Oh, yeah, and my heftier discount. AT&T works everywhere I happen to go, so coverage wasn't an issue for me. It's just a bonus that VZN can actually pull a signal at my house. AT&T can't, but then again, I have a landline, and I don't need cell coverage at my house.
Edited portion: Oh, yeah, my initial bill was over $400, so, yeah, I am questioning A LOT of things with VZN.