LOL wut? so the reason companies don't promote other companies is because of insecurity? and that's it? if you're product was super duper awesome you should just start promoting other companies' products because you know that yours is the best one? hahaa...o...k.
You dont think so? Have you listened to any of Steve Jobs' press conferences .. he believes he has the best product since the wheel was invented .. so yeah if he has such a great product why not let an android centered app on your market? .. if your product is so great its not gonna hurt your bottom line .. If that's not the case why doesnt Android ban Apple related things on their market?
do i believe that the reason companies don't promote other companies is because of insecurity? no, i don't believe that. i honestly can't believe you believe that. companies spend millions on marketing and advertising, and its not because of insecurity. its because marketing and advertising is a part of every business model known to man, probably from the stone ages when some caveman was trying to sell a wheel. it's business. you're not going to sell a product unless you advertise.
Look at car commercials for example .. most car commercials mention another car maker in it cuz they believe they are better than the competition. they spend millions in advertising to say they are better than the competition. but they still are essentially advertising for the other company.. some commecials even go as far as saying what features the other car has .. all im saying is that if apple was the best thing out (according to steve) then they shouldnt need to worry about android being in their market .. if they are worried then they would take it out .. is android worried about apple being in their market cuz its advertising for apple? i dont know .. but its in there ...