it's a private company deciding not to include something in their product. there is a huge distinction between the two and i don't get how you fail to see that.
It's a company making exceptions to its own standards and guidelines in anti-competitive behavior. It's censorship in every definition of the word, being private or business interest doesn't change that. If you want to play semantics about it's "not censorship in the manner the OP suggests", fine, but it's still censorship. I'd argue there's not even a valid business reason for blocking that app, but as brilliant as Jobs is he makes stupid and petty decisions just like everyone else.
Again, you have a problem with blocking the website but can't make the connection that the trend is toward apps to make interfacing with the web easier. The line of net neutrality is moving and you don't even realize you've been caught standing on the side you oppose.
And, by the way, Business 101 says you don't publicly acknowledge upstart competition (free publicity) until it becomes a real threat and viable market force. Apple is feeling the heat and that has nothing to do with being a fanboy it's just an objective observation of reality.
making exceptions? really? can you direct me to the link of apple's app store review guidelines where it says "we will only block an app for pornographic or malicious content, and if an app does not fall into one of these two categories we have no power to block this app no matter how badly we want to?" you really, really don't think there's some kind of escape clause in their guidelines that say that they can block an app, any app if they choose to for their own reasons? show me the link where it says they can't do that, since you're confidently proclaiming that they're going against their policies...or was that just an assumption? your cousin's brother's roommate told you about the guidelines right? stop passing things off as fact with nothing to back it up.
again, they can't block you from visiting a website, but they can choose to not provide a way for you to get's not rocket science. this android app, is most probably just like you said an interface to an online android magazine...if you want you can fire up safari on your iphone and visit the won't be blocked, trust cannot say "this pc will not run firefox", but they can choose to not provide a "download firefox now!!!" link on every new PC...what part of this confuses you? let me know, and i'll try to explain it (again)
thanks for the "business 101" that means you can now acknowledge that every phone manufacturer on the planet is "feeling the heat" from Apple since all phones are immediately dubbed "iPhone killers" (an acknowledgment of Apple) upon release, right? so then why is it when apple acknowledges android it's because they're terrified of what's happening? isn't every company terrified of Apple, then by your (flawed) logic?
so in summary....three things:
1) Show me the Apple app store guidelines which detail the reasons why an app can be rejected and show me where it's only pornographic and malicious content that can be rejected and not content that apple deems
2) still waiting for the website with the anything goes off topic forum
3) if you claim apple censors, then so does every other website, and software company on the planet in some way so why is what apple doing a big deal?