Laurence, I seem to have alienated myself from this community - for that I apologize. Unfortunately, my experience with Motorola & Verizon tech support is like talking to a wall!
You're correct. So far there are no apps I can find to view TIFF files.This is a list of basics to Mobile PC that CAN NOT be preformed with the Droid:
1) Can't view a Tiff file
TIFF files are important to me b/c digital faxes are delivered as Tiff files. This is a serious problem & there is no app available to enable viewing of this doc.
This depends on what app you're using. For example, there is an app that will actually allow you to read and edit Microsoft Office documents.2) Can't save any type of file (except jpg)
Thanks but this is not my problem, once I receive an attachment it must remain as part of the email to keep it. I would like to save it to a folder on my SD card - is that possible?
Try the Menu button once in a while. Works for me in both e-mails and web browsing, has a "select text" feature, whch then leads you to be able to cut and paste that text you've selected. I also belive "Menu + e" works to get you into text-selecting mode, too.
The Menu button does work in the browser. However, try to edit an email & you will not find Menu+e (select button). This makes it seemingly impossible to edit within an email.
Get a File Manager app from the Marketplace. I use AndroZip. Free.
Will try it - thanks.
I don't think this is specific to the Droid... My old Motorola KRZR K1m did this too...
Difficult & a hassle but fixable
Simply not true. At any time you can press the Home key to go back to the home screen while you're talking. Then pull up any app you want, including the Phone app, wherein you can access your Call Log. As long as the app isn't accessing the internet, you're fine - Verizon's network will not allow both voice and data to travel over the same line at the same time. This is a limitation of Verizon, not the Droid.
You are correct - thanks for this tip. It is unfortunate that Motorola couldn't tell me this first.
Long-press on your Home Screen. Select Shortcut. Create a shortcut to that person in your contacts list. Voila -- one touch dialing straight from your home screen.
That is a nice feature - thanks
You are correct. Verizon will allow tethering in a couple of months. In the meantime, you can probably find some tips on how to "illegally" tether your phone to your computer. Just don't let Verizon catch you...
I think the feature you are referring to has been taken off the internet. If you can point me to it - I would appreciate the help.
I assume you mean create a voice note for yourself, that you can play back later? There are literally dozens of apps (both paid and free) that will allow you to record sound files on the phone directly.
I will continue to look. Any recommendations?
These problems are both the same thing. You can attach any picture or video file you've recorded. I'm not sure, but I think you can get a better e-mail app in the Marketplace, which will actually allow you to browse through all the files on your SD card, instead of just the media files that the built-in e-mail app lets you browse through. But I don't know that for certain.
I will continue to look; any recommendations would help.
This I cannot help you with. I've never used a Bluetooth keyboard of any type, on any device whatsoever. Hopefully someone here will have some tips for you.
I will try to contact the manufacture to see if there is a fix. The portable bluetooth keyboard I refer to unfolds to a full size for easy use on the go. It is a real pleasure if you don't have a computer handy.
And where have you been for the last 20 years? This is most definitely not a problem that's limited to the Motorola Droid. Welcome to America in the 21st Century.13) Can't call Motorola US for help, outsourced to 3rd world & difficult language barrier with no solutions.
Yes. Rather than simply bashing the Droid outright, perhaps you could ask for help first? Sure, there are things you've said here that do not (now) have solutions. But they will as soon as people realize there is a need for a given app, and then write said app. Give it time. It will only get better, as the software gets better.As a personal device assistant (PDA) the Droid is a comfortable, slick piece of equipment that has potential to be the Verizon "iPhone" replacement but as yet it doesn't appear to even be close. So, I am returning my Droid, going back to my sad old PC Mobile technology & wait for the "iPhone" to be released by Verizon in the 4th Qtr of 2010.
I may not have as much fun using my old "smart phone"; but at least I will be able to "work" productively. COMMENTS?