Take a look at this thread. The OP of that thread is also having problems. However, notice how his tone and the tone of the replies are completely different from your thread.I may not have as much fun using my old "smart phone"; but at least I will be able to "work" productively. COMMENTS?
I don't understand why people don't get this. I guess it's rampant brand loyalty or some sort of self-validation?Win-Mo phones are done. Non Issue....iPhone and Android phones will dominate. End of story.
It is not about dominating anything.... its about finding a phone that fits your needs and life style.
More choices in the marketplace is always better for the consumer and one particular choice won't always be suitable for every single person out there. It's a bit like cars. We don't all drive the same type or make/model. We won't all use the same smartphone either. There are pros and cons to each option and fanboy rants really don't contribute much to a discussion.
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