People, specifically the ones that persist in referring to "MotoBlur" or "Blur' in regards to the Droid 3....
Motoblur is not installed on the Droid 3. You are not using Blur on the Droid 3. Here is a listing of Droid phones with MotoBlur installed: Mobile Phones - Motorola Mobility, Inc. USA. On the same site, there is a demonstration of Motoblur for you to view. This should clearly illustrate to those who have been slow on this detail that the Droid 3 is not using this interface.
This is not news. We've known this prior to the Droid 3 being released. Persisting in referring to the user inteface as Motoblur is showing and promoting ignorance.
just b/c moto stopped calling it motoblur doesn't mean it's not motoblur, it has all the blur elements... in stock u can resize your widgets in this u can only resize motoblur widgets.
it's motoblur without the name.