From a Reddit post about the Nexus (it offers a summary... link to the thread at Android Central is included as well):
"Basically this is a summary from this thread: galaxy nexus hand time - Android Forums
Someone got their hands on one for a bit and it WILL be the phone we have all hoped it would be:
LED notification? Yes.
Removable battery? Yes, according to the OP, 1900mah. Says he is still slightly unsure since it was the last thing he looked at.
Dual LED Flash? Yes.
8MP camera? Yes.
Thin? As in thinner or around the thickness of the latest iPhone? Yes.
Dual Core? Yes, 1.5Ghz TI OMAP
Weight wise? Very light.
SD Card slot? No idea, says he didn't look/find one.
New LTE modem inside? Yes. Said he got 25/10 during a test.
Apparently this thing has a touch sensitive bezel that allows you to make the software based ICS buttons disappear and reappear. The touch sensitive bezel is where the physical buttons would normally be.
He explains that the 720P screen is extremely vivid, unlike anything he's ever seen before more so than the retina of the Iphone.
Found that it had a Chrome like web browser on it which makes sense given that ICS is suppose to incorporate Chrome as it's new browser.
ICS is extremely snappy according to the poster. iPhone snappy. Probably due to better CPU optimization with ICS and Hardware Acceleration (finally!).
He also describes the feel of the phone as being unlike any plastic he has ever touched form Samsung. It's Plastic...but it feels "futuristic." That's the word he used. Some kind of new plastic or something. He said it feels high quality and not cheap. He mentions that metal as been put in to the phone for added support/stabilization.
Anyways check out the thread if you'd like. I just took what was in there and threw it up on here as a summary of sorts."
Could one assume this means that it was definitely the Verizon variant that he had?