Silver Member
Glad to see Nawlins wiping the floor with the Giants thus far. Also, shame to see that helmet to shoulder pad hits now result in penalties.
Glad to see Nawlins wiping the floor with the Giants thus far. Also, shame to see that helmet to shoulder pad hits now result in penalties.
This Giants demolition is awesome.
That hit on Nicks was clean...the wussification of the NFL continues -_-
I agree with the hit it was clean and so was the one they called on the giants last td drive. Now that hit on Graham wow that was nasty. I'm glad he is ok we be in a world of hurt without him.
I'm all for safety of the players, they're putting their bodies/health on the line for our entertainment. However, they play for their love of the game and anyone involved in sports know the risks, I've hurt myself numerous times being involved in sports, but none as serious as a broken bone or torn ligaments (hope I never do). Many of the calls are in concern of player safety, but some of these hits are clean hits and were considered clean hits not too long ago in the NFL.the first one was definitely a clean hit but the 2nd one at the end of the game could have gone either way, he led with his helmet right into the guys chin and facemask, maybe not quite helmet to helmet but close enough that you couldn't really argue the call. I just think the refs are taking the defenseless receiver thing way too far. Your whole football life you are taught to separate the ball from the receiver and now the NFL is basically allowing the receivers to catch the ball without the defense hitting them.
I'm all for safety of the players, they're putting their bodies/health on the line for our entertainment. However, they play for their love of the game and anyone involved in sports know the risks, I've hurt myself numerous times being involved in sports, but none as serious as a broken bone or torn ligaments (hope I never do). Many of the calls are in concern of player safety, but some of these hits are clean hits and were considered clean hits not too long ago in the NFL.
I know the NFL is in the best interests for their players' health, and I hope they have no problems later on in life once the are retired, but it's part of the game. The game of football is a violent sports, you can only "cushion" it so much before it defeats the purpose of the game. I hope the NFL doesn't turn in the NFFL (National Flag Football League).
Roger Goodell for president:hail::hail:yeah you didnt hear. starting sometime this year it will be flag football. the rumors are you can preorder the flags as early as nov 29th. with flag games starting dec8th. oh wait i think im confusing this with something else.
What I'm trying to figure out is why you don't like Tebow, when he basically is a Mike Vick in his ATL days? Well minus the pitbull thing lol I want to see Tebow in the playoffs, I want him to win a playoff game, and make it to the AFC championship game and shake things up, like in the movie Moneyball (I hate baseball but I loved that movie).
That's probably not happen but it'll definitely change the game and in a good way. It'll provoke defences to be more creative, and make games more fun to watch. Watching a blowout isn't really fun, but neither are the back and forth 3 and outs
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I go back to the "Steve Jobs effect". I don't like him because of his fan base, yes very shallow of me, but people that speak so highly of him and how he's the greatest thing to come to Denver since Elway irks me. I understand you're a Tebow fan, but you're not claiming he's Jesus like many of the fans I've interacted with. They fail to overlook his flaws and only care about one thing, him winning. Look I've gained a ton of respect for Tebow the past few weeks cause he keeps winning, and I'm happy he's proving many conceded ESPN analysts wrong, I love seeing them get all flustered. He's winner, he's proven it to me for the past few weeks and his will to win is contagious, which is an excellent quality in a leader. I'll admit I'm one of those people that doesn't easily conform and jump any wagons, but some Tebow wagoners make me not a fan the same way there are Apple/Steve Jobs fans. I can respect all 3, but I don't like either of them. I understand they are all "game changers" and are good for their respective organizations, but I'm just not a fan.
Yes you are right Vick was once very similar to Tebow, but I was a bit younger when he was in ATL and didn't analyze or pay attention to the games as much as I do today. It's fun seeing a guy run the ball, especially a QB, but I prefer the ball being thrown. Yes I know Vick still rushes, but he is throwing much more and much better than his days in ATL. Can Tebow improve that way as well? He sure can, but for now he is nowhere near the same accuracy.
The worst of it is many of the Broncos wagoners saying "he's winning games". Is defense not part of the game all of a sudden? Their defense is what's keeping them in games imo, they've stepped up and yes Tebow has inspired them. Once the defense sets Tebow up, he delivers and he's pretty much given all the credit, regardless how many times he mentions "it's a team effort". I'm not trying to start an argument, but plain and simple I don't like the guy. And if you don't understand why, that's completely fine by me because that is part of sports and being a fan of them. I'm sure I like some players that you aren't too fond of and I can respect that, not trying to make any enemies.... well unless you're a Chargers or Jets fan![]()
It's ok, the Patriots will expose the Denver offense for what it really is. There is no way the Broncos can go score to score with the Pats.
still a couple weeks off. but if denver continues to score 16 points you are 100% correct. that will be a good test for the defense also. we saw detroit and greenbay eat them up and the pats have tht same offensive ability although not as consistant.
i do not see denver winning that game but im glad they are playing it. it will help show needs for next season. i am a bronco fan but more so a sports fan and see the actual facts and denver is doing a great job of reversing the mcdaniels effect(definition look at the rams). but it will take 2 more years to rebuild what mcdaniels tore apart. and if tebow fails make that 3-4. but i do see penalties as they will hit the qb and i think its illegal to even get within 10 feet of brady.
so tebow is a iphone 4s???
no .. not understanding why you dont like tebow as a person. hes not behind all this stuff he actually says very little its the fan fanatics that made this into a mightier than though experience.
I dont care one way or the other i just want denver to be what they were for 32 years contenders. whether they won or lost you always thought they had a chance until McDaniels came here.
being in colorado i have seen what your saying people that think denver is a superbowl contender now
fox needs to be coach of the year simply for the turn around of the defense. i have not seen denver defense play like this in 15 years. and its been at least 10 years since they had a consistant pass rush its fun to watch.
the offensive line is doing better because teams are scared to blitz them because tebow has a nack for running around and breaking free(ask the jets). while i thought the sandiego game was some of the best passing efforts i have seen from tebow he needs to build on that and continue to improve.
denver needs to score more points plain and simple. if sandiego's kicker wasnt out for the season they lose that game.
against poor offenses they can stay in the game and tebow has the elway never quite and 4th quarter magic in him. unlike orton he doesnt crumble under pressure he excels. although part of the reason is its the only time they open up the offence and he succeeds when they do , if they played offensive calls throughout the game that they have to when they are behind late id like to see what happens.
at this point denver will continue to lose to high scroing teams like greenbay, detroit ect. while the defense has made them stay in the games giving tebow the ability to come back.. 1 thing to be said about tebow is he does not turn the ball over which much improves the defenses ability to stop the other team. this year tebow has 1 inteception and 1 fumble in 6 games. there is not another quarterback in football with that claim.
I really hope tebow continues and proves he can pass as well as run which i think he did a good job in sandiego. so they can draft a top running back,offenisve lineman and future replacement at cornerback and safety as they are getting old in those areas. But if tebow doesnt show a more consistant ability to throw accuratley and increase n scoring than i really would like to see them go in a different direction. i hear orton is gonna be a free agent after his stint with kc than we wouldnt have all this controversy we can be 1-15 and than noone cares.![]()