Well, when you see the massive amount of stock Verizon has in their inventory rooms for this phone, your brain goes crazy trying to rationalize just why so many phones are being kept under lock and key, READY to be released, but are just sitting there. They are in their boxes, and are at corp. stores nationwide. They will NOT get any more OS updates at this point until customers first activate them. So it's not anything to do with the software the phones have flashed on them already. It has to be something else.
I mean - I'm home now, but I spent the good part of the day earlier today at one of the VZW stores in my area and I had a few peeks into the inventory room (with permission from the SM, of course) and I just cannot think of any reason why this phone isn't out. The stock is there. The reps are trained. The management teams are aware of the launch and are ready. Every rep who has played with the phone this week wants to buy it. People are chomping at the bit. In a matter of a week this phone went from only the nerdy crowd knowing about it to customers and employees alike going on and on about how they want the phone. Plus, the accessories have been in many stores for WEEKS - so we're not waiting on those, either.
I spent about an hour on the sales floor playing with a few different devices (the RAZR is ugly lol - like the Rezound though
) and I was listening to some customers. There were 3 customers asking about the Nexus specifically, and I can't even count the reps I heard tell customers there will be a "big new phone coming out soon" (these were customers who weren't eligible to upgrade just yet).
So, having seen the amount of stock at this corporate store and having played with their store demo unit for several hours (it's coming home tonight - I get to play with it all night, woohoo!), I really have NO IDEA what the heck is going on.
Your guess is as good as mine. My guess is something sales-related (VZW has had weak sales this month and last as a company), or something network related. I don't know anything I haven't shared.