I find this comical. A few things to keep in mind;He ended up keeping the phone, Bestbuy wasn't willing to work out a deal with him since he didn't have a phone to use.
1) The hourly employees at BB could probably care less. If they get fired they can get an hourly job somewhere else. No big deal.
2) The managers there are probably in a world of pain. This is their career and a bad evaluation will stick with you. I would imagine many people received written reprimands on this issue.
What I would do if I were him: I'd tell the manager that I 'negotiated' with at BB that I'll include their name in any forthcoming video and blog as the person who was responsible for selling it to me. I would tell them that our contract on that receipt did NOT entitle them to call for the item's return so if they would like it back we would have to agree on a new contract (and price). If they don't offer me what I want, I follow through with my promise and start posting Youtube videos of the phone with the manager's name and BB contact info. The heat will hit them through their corporate office. Worst case scenario I just got a Nexus early! Yay! If the screen has issues then he can swap it out within 2 weeks and surely it'll be released by then. Best case scenario they offer something to me as a valued customer. I return the phone and take down the videos. Wait a week then buy the phone again (or BB gives it to me for free).
Sounds like this guy is not a shrewd negotiator, or maybe he's just not as greedy as me.