Just over a week ago, I switched from years of Blackberry phones to my first Android - a Photon 4G with Sprint. I'd been a Sprint customer fr 12+ years.
No more.
After losing that phone in a NYC cab that sped off in the milliseconds it took for me to realize my phone must have fallen out of my pocket as I paid the cabbie, Sprint treated me like **** for the last time. I loved that phone, and dropped over $200 I don't really have to get it.
Yesterday, I picked up a Droid Razr XT912 from the Verizon store. I like this phone even more than the Photon. It's lighter, battery seems better, less buggy, the touch is more responsive, and we're getting 4G here in a month, and I live in a very small podunk town in Western NY state. The Verizon interface has nicer features, too, so using it is more intuitive. I didn't even get 4G where I was staying in Brooklyn with Sprint.
Anyway, I have a question about my phone that the online and hard copy manuals haven't answered, nor any web searches.
On the upper left on the front of the phone, next to where the pocket sensor is, there is a light that flashes when it goes into sleep mode. Sometimes the light is blue, sometimes green, and I haven't been able to figure out what the two colors are trying to tell me. I'm used to Blackberry phones which only flash red if I missed a call or had some other notification. I haven't been able to figure out what the blue and green mean. I don't get enough calls, texts or emails (at least not the email addy I let the phone pick up) to make any kind of correlation.
Thanks, and glad to be here. I stuck with stupid Sprint and Blackberry products for way too long, which is pretty sad, since I like to think I'm not averse to change and I really love new techie toys. Now, I humbly submit to the Great Google Overlords. ATM, I don't intend to root, simply because I'm not annoyed with things the way they are, but may root eventually.
Thanks again in advance for any help anyone can give me regarding the mystery light!