I would like to have themed the following apps;
chomp Sms
Root Explorer (How would I even theme this?)
Titanium backup - can do
visual voice mail (Verizon) - can't seem to find it.. still looking
yahoo - The website?
calendar Pad
Gallery - already done. Just haven't put it in
appbackup - is this free?
MIUI Browser - is this free?
tapa talk app - not free. Can't do it
metamorph - never even thought of this, I'll look at it
SetCPU - Not Free, can't do it
Astro - I'll look at it
wireless Tether - I'll look at it
screenshot - this free? I use ShootMe
Ringo Lite - this free?
Beautiful Widget - you can skin this in the settings
Ringtone Randomizer - free?
xScope Lite - free?
settings - thought I already did.. now I know I didn't. Will get it done.
I think That's all for now