I would like to have themed the following apps;
chomp Sms
Root Explorer (How would I even theme this?)
Titanium backup - can do
visual voice mail (Verizon) - can't seem to find it.. still looking
yahoo - The website?
calendar Pad
Gallery - already done. Just haven't put it in
appbackup - is this free?
MIUI Browser - is this free?
tapa talk app - not free. Can't do it
metamorph - never even thought of this, I'll look at it
SetCPU - Not Free, can't do it
Astro - I'll look at it
wireless Tether - I'll look at it
screenshot - this free? I use ShootMe
Ringo Lite - this free?
Beautiful Widget - you can skin this in the settings
Ringtone Randomizer - free?
xScope Lite - free?
settings - thought I already did.. now I know I didn't. Will get it done.
I think That's all for now
I have updated your quote
yahoo Mail icon
Ring tone Randomizer (Free)
xScope lite (Free)
Ringo Lite (free)
MIUI Browser (Free). Would You Like APK? (it'S) from the MIUI Bowser Rom APP backup(free)
Calendar Pad is a free Widget in market