I think maybe you are doing too much? We all have our own way of doing things but here is what I would do.....
decompile and recompile just to test that it works... then go into the place-apk-here-for-modding folder and delete that unsignedsettings.apk file. Now we know it works so... next step... decompile it again.. now, go to styles.xml and edit whatever you are editing. when done, recompile with option 11. Hit Y, hit Y go into the "keep" folder and delete the resources.arsc file and also delete every xml you edited. Go back to the apk manager and "click any button to continue". Now stop. Don't sign. Open up your template for install ing it. Then go into the "place-apk-here-for-modding" folder and drag your unsignedsettings.apk into the template. Right click on it, rename it to settings.apk and then install that bad boy.
decompile and recompile just to test that it works... then go into the place-apk-here-for-modding folder and delete that unsignedsettings.apk file. Now we know it works so... next step... decompile it again.. now, go to styles.xml and edit whatever you are editing. when done, recompile with option 11. Hit Y, hit Y go into the "keep" folder and delete the resources.arsc file and also delete every xml you edited. Go back to the apk manager and "click any button to continue". Now stop. Don't sign. Open up your template for install ing it. Then go into the "place-apk-here-for-modding" folder and drag your unsignedsettings.apk into the template. Right click on it, rename it to settings.apk and then install that bad boy.