Thinking about returning the NEXUS?!?

I couldn't go back to the OG over the Nexus for 5 minutes! Have you lost yo damn mind?! :blink::D
Here's another idea: go watch some reviews of the Transformer Prime Tab with the quad core cpu. It doesn't execute any of the day to day tasks any faster than the phone you have in your hand.
to be honest, dual core phones I can understand for all the processing of different apps and what not, quad core is well a waste. My PC needs it but that is because of my work, but none of that can be duplicated on the phone..its just a waste IMO
the Gnex being a Nexus phone is a great phone because of the updates the developer community. It EASILY can last the length of your contract and then some
remember its a PHONE first everything else 2nd...
IF what Tegra is doing with the Tegra 3 and that 5th core, the companion core helping with battery life works might not be that big of a waste.

Depends on how the manufactures manage battery life and heat with quad core.

Just like with dual core.... its not necessarily about performance. Its more about performance while multi tasking. At least thats what I think...
Send me your nexus if you don't want it then.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Other phones with manufacturer skins are usually released with bugs. Take a look at everyones track record. It speaks for itself. This is the first nexus that I had, and I will never go back to anything else but nexus. The software on my phone just seems to work. I am rooted but I am running stocks, and this is the most complete phone experience that I've had.

I can't imagine going back to our world where I'm constantly having to wonder when the manufacture is going to upgrade the phone to the latest google operating system. I love knowing that I'm going to be the first kid on my block with whatever magic google releases next.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
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I got rid of my nexus after 4 days. It was a nice experience but it left alot to be desired. It's just so ..blah! The screen was great but my Rezound is better. I love sense. It just works. IMO it blows the other OEM skins to hell. It's beautiful. I'll prolly never get anything other than HTC Android phones but im still an iPhone guy as well. Anyway get what u want.

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Yea, im still up in the air about returning it. I really thought that this was a nexus device but 4.0.3 is rollin out for the moto xoom, thats a hard bullet to bite. I do like the phone but there is definatly some issues here that hopefully 4.0.3 can fix. I guess i can keep it until my upgrade in Oct
Im setting here looking at the HTC edge thinking.. "thats excellent hardware" I got an upgrade coming up in march for my wife and another one in oct for myself again. I would be going back to the OG droid but should i really return it? I mean what does this phone offer that other, more future proof phones do?

I returned my Rezound today for the Nexus, not because the Rezound wasn't an amazing phone, but because for me it didn't have that wow factor. If the Nexus, or any phone for that matter isn't what you want don't stick with a phone your not happy with for two years.

I honestly don't know that the Nexus is a better phone than the Rezound, but with the super amoled display it just does more for me. I also enjoy ICS, with my past experience with Motorola OS updates are not always so smooth. My Droid X was a solid phone with froyo, after the last update to ginger bread it ruined my X, constant freezing since.

The Nexus was built for ICS, so any future updates should improve the OS hopefully. The Nexus needs a few tweeks I can already tell, but I'm happy with it.

You should do the same with your Nexus, if your not happy with it and know you'll regret not being able to get the edge then return it and wait, at the same time there will always be a better phone a few months later. I'd say if your not happy with the Nexus return it, but if your simply just always wanting the best phone spec wise that's a decision you'll just have to make on your own, I don't think you'll ever be happy with any phone if that's the case, but that's on you.