yea, i agree, give it a few days since there will always be some kinks. No phone (how matter how hyped) is perfect. If you don't believe me just head over to the iphone4 forums and you will see what i'm talking about.
i'm a blackberry convert too so i know what you are talking about regarding the "just have it work" mentality. But i think that attitude comes from us being familiary with the blackberry system and all the ins and outs etc... seriously how long did we live with the crappy blackberry OS and browser etc...?
I think once you get a feel of the phone and all the ins and outs of the android system, you will love it.
Oh God tell me about it. The browser is a breath of fresh air for sure. I just hope these issues are mostly network and server related due to heavy traffic...and that a suitable iTunes sync software will become available at some point. With Android's growing popularity, I'd imagine it'd be coming.
Another downside...and this is a problem with all Motorola Android phones according to my research, is that they don't get along with Infiniti and Nissan bluetooth stacks.
When someone calls, they can't hear me and their voice sounds muffled, I have to transfer the call to the headset then hit phone again to reactivate the bluetooth and it works fine. Also kinda stinks that you can't transfer your phonebook to the bluetooth stack, you have to enter them all one by one, manually. I knew that going into buying the phone though.