I gotta say...I had a D1, and curently have a DX, D2, and ThunderBolt...and I love the ThunderBolt... The Bionic is basically leftover psrts from the Atrix, lol...anyway, I have no issues with 3G/4G, the back speaker sounds great, kick stand or no.. screen is gorgeous...this phone is all what the hype makes it out to be...I love it! The video recordings have muted sound, true, but I'm sure there'll be a fix for that soon enough. As for the physical keyboard on the D1...well with my large fingers that was a pain to type on and I found myself using the on-screen more often than not anyhow... Call quality is great...and battery life...well, I have no complaints. I bought an extended battery and have better battery life with this than I've had with any other device thus far...of course, I rooted and installed a great rom, which helps with battery life. All-in-all I'm completely happy with this device, and i'd definitely recommend it.
Also- 95% of the nay-sayers...they don't have a Thunderbolt and are just basing their complaints on the early on rumors. And, the dev community has gotten right on tjis device with a ferocity I haven't seen since the D1, which is encouraging. So...take this all in while you think.and hey- if it's not for you, it's not for you...one great thing about Android is the way it caters to personal preference
Sent from my ThunderBolt using Tapatalk
My buddy has a TB. I do like it, just not enough to use my upgrade on it. I do look forward to seeing how the devs maximize the TB, looks pretty promising so far.
Sounds like you're having a great experience with yours and you are happy. That's all that matters! I want to feel the same with my next device

And you are right, with all these new handsets coming out, there's something for everyone!