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Thunderbolt now or Bionic later?

I'll just sell my bionic and pay the did if it ends up being a tegra 3... which I would think they would release at least a couple tegra 2 3d phones first (higher end dual core processor)... I wouldn't expect to see tegra 3s till december or later...

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
Well they say only Tegra 3 if it's delayed so 1.5ghz Tegra 2 is still cool with me, especially if it's unlocked. I also like the amount of ram. I think I can make my Droid hang on until Q3 or if nothing else by getting a phone from eBay to last me.
I just got a TB yestereday I have aDX Im in a 4G zone and Im a internet guy so for me there was a huge difference it is really fast dont know about gaming I dont do that. wascapsfan was trying to help me root it but comming off Z4 root its a lot for me
Its the Moto Targa. No month just a Q3 release schedule.

Well, it almost seems too good to be true. If I could honestly put faith in a Q3 release I am *almost* tempted to wait. Two things are holding me back: 1) I'm on a Storm 1 and have had my upgrade waiting since August and can't stand it any more. 2) Even if these specs pan out I have a heard time believing (although I wish I could) that Moto will follow up the Bionic a couple of months later with the Targa that will upstage it. Maybe holiday season is a more realistic picture -- if so, I can't wait that long, sadly....

I also have had an upgrade since August of '10 and another one since November '10

You CAN wait you just don't WANT to wait : )

My Droid 1 is working perfectly fine and is in mint condition. I haven't been "wow'd" by anything since it's been released. The LG 3D, Galaxy SII, Bionic and Targa are the only ones I'd consider getting to replace it.

I'll wait until Christmas if I have to. I'm prepared to wait it out to get the best possible purchase for my WANTS : )
Yea... I had an upgrade for 2 years before I finally got my d2g (wasn't my choice, was my moms). Wish she had got me an OG droid though instead lol.

Sent from my Liberated D2G
Personally, I'm not going to bother with either. I love my DX. The only other reason I won't go with a 4g phone is because, from what Verizon told me, if you come across an area with no 4g service you don't go back to 3g coverage. Its either 4g or nothing. I have a hard enough time with 3g coverage in my area... 4g wouldn't make a difference for me..

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
Personally, I'm not going to bother with either. I love my DX. The only other reason I won't go with a 4g phone is because, from what Verizon told me, if you come across an area with no 4g service you don't go back to 3g coverage. Its either 4g or nothing. I have a hard enough time with 3g coverage in my area... 4g wouldn't make a difference for me..

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums

You would switch back to 3G but if your having a hard time with it now makes no sense to switch I have an DX and 4G didnt make it any faster so whats the point and what everybody is saying its gonna be awhile before they switch that plan over long live the DX
I've had an upgrade since September... I almost got the r2d2 (sw nerd) good thing I didn't haha...

I live in silicone valley so im sure I'll have good 4g reception... I'll let you guys know of the speed increases when the bionic comes out hehe

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
This is a review from someone who purchased the Thunderbolt and the Atrix. It a pretty good review. Looking forward to the Bionic!!!

By secrethouse92 said:
Yes, despite Verizon's blazingly fast LTE network, which i have in my hometown, and despite AT&T's flat out disgraceful actions as of late, when it came down to which PHONE was for me I returned my Thunderbolt and committed to an Atirx. I couldn't be happier and no one's more surprised than me.

After I dropped AT&T and picked up the TBolt I quickly developed a feeling of "uh oh...what did I just do." The battery issues of the Thunderbolt really are a joke. Yes there are fixes and tricks you can do to improve it and they did work for me, and yes you can spend even more money for another battery but should you have to? Having a phone where you're staring at the battery icon skeptically just waiting for the whole thing to go to hell is no fun. I don't want to neuter my phone with dim screen settings and this-and-that disabled just to make it through the day. That's not why i choose to research and pay top dollar for a smartphone, ya know?

When I began to see the writing on the wall with the Thunderbolt I went to AT&T and purchased an Atrix just to demo the two side by side. I'd send an email on one and then the next email would be sent from the other. Make a call on one and the next call I'd try to make on the other, so on and so on. In all areas of PERFORMANCE, outside of network speed, the Atrix was the winner. I did have one person claim to completely dislike the sound of the Atrix...the "muffled" complaint. However, everyone else preferred the sound of the Atrix. In one instance I started a conference call I needed to be hands free for with the Thunderbolt, kickstand in action. The people on the other end couldn't make out half of what i was saying. When I finally said i'll call you guys back and switched to the Atrix it was immediate "wow that's a lot better".

What really shocked me was that I kind of preferred the 4" to the 4.3" screen. I was wowed by my demo of the Droid X and the large format screen but in the end I really didn't want it. A tad too much. Typing in landscape mode on the Atrix proved to be the sweet spot for me. Now Angry Birds kinda blows on the Atrix...but i'll live. Its literally the only game I ever even consider playing. Emails, calls, texts, etc...THOSE THINGS COUNT. Those are the things which keep my career going, my mortgage paid, family happy, loved ones in touch and in those areas the Atrix truly shines. The issue with yellows (as in "yellow" doesn't look yellow) is a major bummer but again...after all was said and done it's not that big of a deal. The few flaws that have been discovered early on will be taken care of. HSPA+ won't be a priority of AT&T's for long but when its finally deployed it'll be just enough to hold us over until their LTE network is let loose and manufacturers have had more time to study LTE's affect on battery life. The poor earpiece speaker design will be hammered out (that's a hardware problem by the way...don't count on software taking care of a speaker that physically distorts). The device has only been out what, 3 or 4 weeks? Already a software update has been put out to deal with several needed fixes. Motorola's on it. Don't worry.

Needless to say the Thunderbolt has officially been gone for a couple of days now. Folks, the Atrix is an incredible device. Its potential will probably never be realized on AT&T. Pretty damn close though and that's waaaaaaaay better than anything else out there on ANY network. Do a speed test with Atrix and any other phone on the same Wifi network...the Atrix can flat out fly. Will it ever be able to do it on AT&T? I doubt it but we shall see.

One last thing I have to admit is absolutely loving Sense. Holy s*** has HTC figured the UI thing out. Leaps and bounds better than the rest. Come on, Moto...that's the only thing HTC has on you guys!

Enough rambling. Just wanted to pass on a good news story here in Atrix forum land.

All that I'm reading here, only reinforces my initial decision to pass on the TB. With all of the other new devices on the horizon I may not end up getting the Bionic, but I surely won't get the TB. I considered it momentarily when I saw how open it had become, especially with Chevy working on a ROM for it already... but I changed my mind.

I only want a new device, I don't need it. The fact is, with the most recent tweaks (kernel/setcpu profiles) to my D1 I am able to get close to TB (stock) benchmark values. 1400 is not too shabby for an old D1.

Reasons why I'm currently satisfied with my D1, and can wait until something "worth the use of my upgrade" comes out....

- My screen is smaller, BUT has a higher resolution.
- Call quality is outstanding.
- The audio in any video I record sounds great.
- I still use my physical keyboard, not only to play games with my game-gripper, but to type out a lot of words quickly.... such as this post.
- I have a HUGE assortment of ROMs/kernels/themes to play around with. Not that the TB won't, but I have TONS.... right NOW.
- I get 3G all the time, without ANY problems.
- My rear speaker isn't covered by a kickstand (though I think the kickstand is a really good feature Moto should start integrating... just not covering the speaker).
- Stock, I would be able to use Wiimote to play my NES games... but not with Sense (love Sense except for that!).
- Battery life is not an issue.
- This is STILL the MOST SUPPORTED handset out there.

So that's it. I'm holding onto my dearly beloved for as long as it takes. I love her :-D

Whatever I get, I will miss the unparalleled support this device has gotten from the dev community. I would really like to hold out for something with the Targa specs, that's also completely open. Maybe it is the Targa. Maybe it is something else. Either way, I'll keep reading all of the info I can, and continue to learn on the way.

Being nerdy is fun.

Is the RAM enough for you on your D1? I have a D1 w/ Ultimate Droid ROM and have serious issues with RAM usage. I listen to podcasts a lot and after using an app for about 10 minutes my audio gets killed by the JVM because available RAM is too low. That is the main reason I want to upgrade; looking seriously at the Bionic. I also want Webtop - mostly to get hacky with it - and the forward compatibility of 4G. I'm sick of buying technology then having it be eclipsed by the next thing so quickly. I know, thus is the world we live in, but I'd like to try and get the most future-proof device I can. If I had waited to get an Android phone until the Incredible came out, I'd still be happy.
All that I'm reading here, only reinforces my initial decision to pass on the TB. With all of the other new devices on the horizon I may not end up getting the Bionic, but I surely won't get the TB. I considered it momentarily when I saw how open it had become, especially with Chevy working on a ROM for it already... but I changed my mind.

I only want a new device, I don't need it. The fact is, with the most recent tweaks (kernel/setcpu profiles) to my D1 I am able to get close to TB (stock) benchmark values. 1400 is not too shabby for an old D1.

Reasons why I'm currently satisfied with my D1, and can wait until something "worth the use of my upgrade" comes out....

- My screen is smaller, BUT has a higher resolution.
- Call quality is outstanding.
- The audio in any video I record sounds great.
- I still use my physical keyboard, not only to play games with my game-gripper, but to type out a lot of words quickly.... such as this post.
- I have a HUGE assortment of ROMs/kernels/themes to play around with. Not that the TB won't, but I have TONS.... right NOW.
- I get 3G all the time, without ANY problems.
- My rear speaker isn't covered by a kickstand (though I think the kickstand is a really good feature Moto should start integrating... just not covering the speaker).
- Stock, I would be able to use Wiimote to play my NES games... but not with Sense (love Sense except for that!).
- Battery life is not an issue.
- This is STILL the MOST SUPPORTED handset out there.

So that's it. I'm holding onto my dearly beloved for as long as it takes. I love her :-D

Whatever I get, I will miss the unparalleled support this device has gotten from the dev community. I would really like to hold out for something with the Targa specs, that's also completely open. Maybe it is the Targa. Maybe it is something else. Either way, I'll keep reading all of the info I can, and continue to learn on the way.

Being nerdy is fun.

I gotta say...I had a D1, and curently have a DX, D2, and ThunderBolt...and I love the ThunderBolt... The Bionic is basically leftover psrts from the Atrix, lol...anyway, I have no issues with 3G/4G, the back speaker sounds great, kick stand or no.. screen is gorgeous...this phone is all what the hype makes it out to be...I love it! The video recordings have muted sound, true, but I'm sure there'll be a fix for that soon enough. As for the physical keyboard on the D1...well with my large fingers that was a pain to type on and I found myself using the on-screen more often than not anyhow... Call quality is great...and battery life...well, I have no complaints. I bought an extended battery and have better battery life with this than I've had with any other device thus far...of course, I rooted and installed a great rom, which helps with battery life. All-in-all I'm completely happy with this device, and i'd definitely recommend it.

Also- 95% of the nay-sayers...they don't have a Thunderbolt and are just basing their complaints on the early on rumors. And, the dev community has gotten right on tjis device with a ferocity I haven't seen since the D1, which is encouraging. So...take this all in while you think. ;) and hey- if it's not for you, it's not for you...one great thing about Android is the way it caters to personal preference :D

Sent from my ThunderBolt using Tapatalk

Is the RAM enough for you on your D1? I have a D1 w/ Ultimate Droid ROM and have serious issues with RAM usage. I listen to podcasts a lot and after using an app for about 10 minutes my audio gets killed by the JVM because available RAM is too low. That is the main reason I want to upgrade; looking seriously at the Bionic. I also want Webtop - mostly to get hacky with it - and the forward compatibility of 4G. I'm sick of buying technology then having it be eclipsed by the next thing so quickly. I know, thus is the world we live in, but I'd like to try and get the most future-proof device I can. If I had waited to get an Android phone until the Incredible came out, I'd still be happy.

The lack of RAM is an issue on occasion, usually after streaming a lengthy video. I haven't experienced it with audio streaming yet... but I don't really stream a lot of audio either. Just LastFM or something every now and again. I used to get homescreen redraws after streaming video, but now the worst that happens is a little delay before it actually goes to the homescreen. No redraws though.

I hear you about technology. That's why it makes it so hard to decide what to get next. Oh well. I know a surefire way for me to hold out long enough..... stop reading these forums and newsfeeds. Ignorance is bliss.