At first this was sa major concern for me with single core vs dual core, but now I really could care less for the time being. Why? As per all the earlier posts at the moment for real word usage optimized single core > dual core. Will we see more and more optimizations in the near future for dual core phones? I would certainly hope so, but at this rate we cannot help but be skeptical about the software improvements. Honestly the droid phones could be a WHOLE lot better than they are right now ie w/ coding to optimize HW acceleration. Software updates from manufacaterers are slow and sparse, so in order to get those updates we as a community use custom ROMS.
But at the moment Motorola bootstrap is still locked, and for the moment seems to be no way around it to truly allow true customization (ie AOSP ROMS and Kernels). With this in mind you might have the physical hardware power, but what good is it if you get some trash software from motorola? Plus roms will be quite limited due to the locked bootloader. For the moment this is where HTC has the advantage over Moto, their "lock" was easily bypassed to allow full customized roms that aren't just based off of manufacterers software. This is why a huge amount of people are using the OG droid, even to this day you can get performance equal to most of the current droid phones due to the fact of allowance of full customization.
I went with the T-Bolt for that very fact, that and I wanted to lock in the unlimited 4G data plan on my contract

. I ran some benches compared to my friends rooted Atrix as I have yet root / flash any ROMs on my Tbolt. When it came to linpack I obtained about 7-10 more Mflops, quadrant the atrix got about 200-300 more after 3 consecutive runs were done. First run both phones got approx 1800-1900, Neocore the Tbolt got about 8-10 more FPS (could be due to resolution). Smart bench the Atrix took the cake with about 800-1k + points more in productivity and a 800 + pt lead in gaming. People can either take these benches as the absolute pinnacle on how these phones will perform, or they can try the phones for themselves and then decide.
When I scrolled around w/ the atrix there were random pauses and freezes and overall seemed to be somewhat sluggish, but overall still smooth for craptacular blur. As for the Tbolt, to my eyes and friends scrolling was flawless and smooth. The app selection was smooth as well with no
noticeable lag. Web browsing on the tbolt as well as browsing was smooth no jerkiness, with a few microstutters if you flick through a page that has a lot of pictures. Both phones handed multitasking well, opened up the same amount of apps and browser windows and no noticeable degrade in performance on both phones.
In the end I'm sure dual core will superceed single core as the evolution of smartphones continues. The key question is when? I really doubt anything will make single core phones obsolete in the next year or so. Both computers and smart phones have the same issues, more cores , more possibilty of raw computing power , lack of software/coding to support them. Good example of this is that Froyo has been out since June, most modern games don't support/optomize anything beyond 2 cores, and theres only a handful that I know will benefit from quad/hexa. Yes there are certain tasks that will benefit from more cores regardless of software optimization and I'll just leave it at that.
In the end everyone needs to remember it's just a phone, and I can easily say that most people don't even use all the functions that it has available. Don't get me wrong I would love to see the continued evolution of processors for phones, but at the sametime software, memory and battery need to follow suit in order for it to make the difference that everyone desires.
/end rant