First post at DroidForums. While I'm at it, first smartphone as well, and I AM LOVING IT. Played with my cousin's DX, not very impressed (not a fan of motorola phones either), two of my cousins have the iphone and the screen was amazing, but nothing beats my TB. I am on the nation's fastest network! =D
So, I thought I'll dedicate my first post to the battery life since that was my major concern while following the release news of the phone. Note: I am still using the stock battery. Picked up the TB after work on the day of launch... got it out the store by around almost 9pm.
DAY ONE after the VZ store
Phone died around 11pm. It was pre-charged at about 40% I believe, and I really didn't do much with it. Btw, I am in an area with 4G LTE (LOS ANGELES!). Left it charging overnight because I had work early the next morning.
Got it off the charger around 7am. Had 4G on all day, and the phone was down to 62% by noon. I was worried. I didn't even touch the phone much as I was busy all day working, so it was pretty much on standby all day. I made a couple of txt and 2 5 minutes phone call. That was it. When I left work around 7pm, I had about 40% left (which was surprising consider it drained 38% in 5 hours and only about 20% the next 7). Phone officially died around 9pm when I got home. Again, put it on the charger overnight.
Forgot what happened over the weekend... but I was able to live getting it off the charger at 6am and not having it die until 9pm or so (15 hours!). I am not a heavy user when I am at work. I noticed the battery life got consistently better as the week have gone by. I don't know if it was due to the fact that it has gone through a couple rounds of full charges (I usually plug in when I am down to about 5% and leave it overnight - this thing takes a LONG TIME to get a full charge. When I plugged it in at 8pm yesterday it was still not done at midnight). My longest night was Monday night from 6:30am - 10pm, and I had 4G on ALL DAY as well. That was mighty surprising.
In summary, here are some of the settings I remember on top of my head:
- data on at all times, but I do try to use wifi when I am home. However, my longest day use (Monday), I had 4G on all day.
- auto-sync on, fb sync every 2 hours, twitter sync every 30 mins.
- brightness down to about 20%
- bluetooth and GPS off unless I am using it
- email auto-sync on
The widgets help a lot to switch the settings on/off. I do notice that if I am in an area with strong, stable connection (be it 4G or 3G), the battery last longer because it doesn't have to search. Today, it's down to 70% already because I'm in an area where it's constantly switching between 4G/3G/1x.
All in all, the battery is not as good as I expected, but with an OTA update it should help. For someone who is not a heavy user, it can last all day. The best way to save battery is turn off data when you don't need it and use wifi (at least to me).
Currently: 6/10 bars lighted (assuming the battery is around 60-70%), been off the charged for about 5.5 hours.
66% voice calls (don't know why, i'm not calling anyone!)
14% display
7% cell standby
6% phone idle
3% android system
2% android OS
2% live wallpaper
The first few days I had it, display accounted for over 50%. For the past 3 days, I noticed it doesn't account for more than 18%. I didn't tweak the brightness since the first day I got it and left it at around 20-30%, so I don't know what caused the change.
By the way, is there a way to tell the exact percentage of battery left on your phone? I noticed a lot of you say "78%, 93%" but I don't know how to get that information.
I'll share more once I play with it for a couple more days. I'm changing settings around everyday to see the effect on the battery...