Hey all.
I'm going to answer a few lingering questions I've noticed in my recent runthrough of the forums. I am doing this from my phone so bear with me.
Kernel support:
So far as I know, any kernel should work with this rom as long as it is a 2.6.32 kernel (eclair was .29, froyo is .32). This should include any froyo kernel so far as I know. The only future problem is that in the futue if I use specific kernel features, some kernels may not support them. Those will be specified tho. For now I don't officially support other kernels (because that is just too large of a task for anyone) but I will say that they SHOULD work. When in doubt just backup and install.
Facebook sync:
There have been several possibilities on what the problem could be but I haven't had a chance to test them. Hopefully one of them will work. Options are that facebook is looking for a specific eclair build fingerprint, or has problems interfacing with the contacts app. Ill keep you posted.
Wifi (connectivity):
There was an error in my initial release where a config for wifi was misproperly named. This most likely is the cause of the connectivity problems some people are seeing. Some kernel installs re-write that file, which would explain why some people don't see it. The error has been corrected and I haven't had any connectivity problems since. Hopefully that fixes the problem.
Wifi hotspot:
Koush and I have been discussing the problem and it seems that the way in which wifi hotspot tries to enable tethering is not supported by the droid's wifi driver. We have a few ideas for workarounds and will hopefully get them out soon, but they may require some heavy work.
The reason the themes don't work is that many themes overwrite code files as well as resource information in framework-res.apk. My framework-res.apk is not the same as the stock ones as I added things to framework (reboot recovery and whatnot). If a theme attempts to replace that file, then resources will be missing. Your best bet if trying to get a theme to work is to use metamorph, as usually it unpacks and repacks apks (though some themes still try to overwrite framework-res). I will be releasing luna, drop, and smoked glass blue with my next release
Thanks for the support and I hope this answers a lot of the big questions iv been seeing. Glad to see the community supporting sapphire like this, and it makes the months of work and preparation worth it.