Uh-Oh!! Verizon's new battery door fix

My battery door fits nice and snug. VZW tried to pull that crap on me though with my Blackberry Tour, though. They put a few strips of electric tape on the inside of the door to make it not move around so much. Actually, that was the day I about blew up in the store and had them exchange it for my Droid, 5 months into my new contract.
Just because that's one store did doesn't mean that that's officially Verizon's fix. That's more a joke than anything.
no way am i putting a gay ass verizon stick on the back.

i ordered a replacement backdoor for my droid from motorola even though im not having any issues. it seems so fragile i figured i might as well get a backup

was this fix posted here?
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ-Kua5Lunk&feature=player_embedded"] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ-Kua5Lunk&feature=player_embedded[/ame]
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My battery cover doesn't have any issues I even wrote Motorola an email saying that I had problems with my battery cover (lie) and they sent me an new and improved battery cover so now I have a spare battery cover kool huh
I ended up putting a folded tape in between the battery and the door...it actually worked pretty well. Still no excuse for a $200 state-of-the-art device
that's unreal... a literal band aid.
my battery door had no issues... still really doesn't but I have noticed it 'slippin' down a little bit during the day where I have to shove it back in. Nice to know I just need to e-mail/call Motorola for a replacement :)
Ok, you guys that don't have this issue must have NEVER taken it off. Mine falls off ALL the time. I'll have to get a replacement cover myself.
Thats got to be some joke seriously! I got a case for my phone there in the store when it came out of the box, and I have been lucky enough to have no need to remove the cover or the battery for any reason... they have millions of dollars for advertising me using one of their phones is enough! I will definitely get one from motorola if one is needed. They would have to cough up some serious cash to turn my frequently used phone into some kind of walking billboard!
COULD it, perhaps, have been a temporary fix until Moto sends out a replacement door? There's STILL having to need to use the phone and be mobile until a replacement comes...
Motorola has already stated that some covers got produced at the wrong size and they will replace the cover for one that is the right size...I have taken my batter cover off many many times and its still hard to get off