I had rampant reboots with my first TBolt, then got a new one thru my insurance plan, and it only every now and then will reboot... which is much more tolerable. Before it was all the time. But since I do get an occasional reboot, I wonder if I should DL this? I don't use Hotspot, but I've heard from others that it didn't fix their rebooting problem.
I'm convinced that some of the rebooting problems are caused by apps. When I got my new phone, battery life was excellent. As I went thru and installed some of the app's I typically use, battery life started to drop quickly. I don't use a Task Killer app anymore either.
I'm half tempted to do a Hard Rest and start over again because the Market app/or the Info on my SD card, restored almost all of my app's. I just had to "run them" for the first time over again. So some of them I chose not to, but they are still on my phone. I'd like to start over and somehow only install the app's that I want, rather than having them ALL restored.
I'm also experiementing with putting my app's on the SD card with App2SD and so far so good. I'm not sure what it does any differently than doing it via the app's section though. I'm also really digging Astro File Mgr. I have the hardest time figuring out where things I download actually go. They don't end up in a "downloads" folder like a computer, but instead the DL folder of that particular app. Astro makes it easy to find that stuff. That's the only thing I don't like about these phones. As far as I know, you can't have a folder where all your pictures, music, pdf's, files, etc end up, and then easily open that folder to find what you want... like a computer.
So, until I hear otherwise, I'm going to hold off on this OTA update (which just popped up for me an hour ago).