hello all,
New to droid as I had the most unfortunate luck of getting a BBerry bold 9700 as my first "smart phone", it is nice to have so much custom options. The rooting and roming did not scare me as I have hacked psp's, ds's, and wii's for many moons. I sim unlocked and band unlocked sucessfully (thanks sim-unlock.net where unlock-domain.com failed) on us at&t unlimited data curtisy of a wonderful motherl-in-lawwho pays my phone service. Started with cm7 which is an ascetically beautiful rom but buggy. I had to manually enter apn to get data and did experience a few force shut downs which mysteriously stopped happening. After a few days I went on the rom hunt and found this because of terrible battery life (9 mins on youtube cost 10% battery as an example) and the phone would not charge in the off mode. I flashed directly from cm7 to to this and me likey quickly :biggrin: I read all the post's and I'm confused on the whole dial *#*#4636#*#* /global post. Im getting the 3g symbol and phone info said hspa connected. How do I tell if Im getting the full 3g signal, do I need to switch from global or mess with settings, or is all good to go as is?
PS also the first link worked for rc4 but version shows rc3 on phone info screen after install, the link in later post did not work.