Was in the only "actual" verizon store in town (we have 2 that are just kiosks with dummy phones) only 1 person out of the 7 or 8 working had even heard of this. He tried saying it's just a rumor and won't happen for months if at all. I said that it was Verizon's CFO that originally said it, he told me not to believe what I read online. :blink:
What he said is true to many things tho :biggrin:... sadly tho... this is more than a rumour from an Online News. National Network Medias picked on this matter, for this is why the OP of this thread has been updated to Verizon's email follow up. He was right about one thing tho.. "Don't Buy into Verizon's fear Mongering." The more they see positive impact of such news, the more confident they are in following through in the future. Same goes with July 2011 rumor that started from Online, reps were saying the same exact thing as what you have wrote voodooCC. The result is tho... no more unlimited data plan and a promise from them that old users will be grandfathered in. What should we do? Should we just sit and chill till they started it like BoA did with $5 charge to debit account? This is nothing official anyways... as we are just bunch of lurkers (Verizon's reps, costumers, and verizon shareholders combined) here and discussing things so that we are prepared when this should happen in the future. If they don't pursue this matter... I'll be happy ofc. I understood about saving money and am all for it... but with the lost of Unlimited? I can't fathom that sorry... I rather pay $60 for 2 data phones than the chance of $60 for (2) 2GB data only... I understand also that this should benefit those that already in Tiered Data, but I can't see any benefits what so ever from Unlimited Users point of view. If they want to this for the kindness to help Tiered Data Users.. I am all for it but please don't mess around with Unlimited users!!! Too bad tho what they have in mind is GREED and not helping its costumers save some money. Remember that this data usage may not concern you, but please think of long term. More mistakes happen to children in their family plan anyways. I kid you not... if Family Tiered Data plan happens, I will drop my data phones and buy Verizon's stocks instead.
Yea the getting rid of the unlimited 3g is a rumor still so just keeping bugging and asking them.when u feel unsure of something
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Droid Forums
I kinda dig your sarcasm :rofl2:. This is just like those new users calling Verizon about 5GB cap on their Unlimited plan... the result is..... $30 upgrade fee and end of Unlimited data (or in better word a workshop for newbs :biggrin::happy3

I was right in one thing tho... Cheaper Android phones... so your move Apple :icon_ lala:. I read online that Verizon are ordering Samsung Galaxy S3 for $249 (32GB) $249 + $30= $279 and still cheaper than my $299 Razr Maxx.
ISP now have less of an excuse to cap our data unlike before. Many media companies (legal ones) are moving into Internet. The end of a Megaupload era should also be the end of capping our data. The concern is tho... Comcast tried this for bypassing their Cap when users are accessing Comcast's own services. Comcast got in trouble with it (Internet Neutrality Act). ISP now want companies that market their service in the Internet area to pay more fees to use their road. I can't wait for Google to get into this Wireless business and see the end of their competitors just like what happened to many GPS companies Like Verizon paid GPS app for an example.
What Kodiak said about users change of habit once they transitioned from 3G to 4G is correct. If the phone is slow as heck, then 4G be useless unless you tether the darn thing. Same goes with faster phone under snail 3G mode. In this case, the perfect storm happened. A phone that is so powerful that it can become a netbook with satellite like coverage where you don't need to borrow Library's internet to access outside of your home.
I even show you my data usage that with double the data to 4GB am still well ... OK... (No Wifi ever) as my end of billing cycle is on the 8th. This is not the point tho right... I don't like to lose what I am able to do right now with some stupid reason that Verizon gave via their CFO.
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