I hope that this might clear up some of the confusion that is going on about unlimited data and the new share everything plans. This is a DM conversation that i had with a CSR on verizon support's twitter feed. What it boils down to is that upgrading a line with unlimited data with a subsidized phone will cause you to lose unlimited data. you will then choose from a tiered data plan (2GB for $30 for example). another line on your family share plan upgrading will not have an effect on the other lines in the plan. they will not take away everyones unlimited data (only the person taking the upgrade) or move you to a share everything plan. Transferring an upgrade will cause both lines involved to lose unlimited data (but it will not cause you to be moved to a share everything plan)
VZW: I would be glad to help. What questions can I answer for you?^JL
Me: I have 2 smartphones and 1 feature phone. If i upgrade the feature phone to a smartphone after the 28th what are my options?
VZW: If you upgrade after the 28th you would choose one of our tiered data plans. Did you want to change to a shareeverything plan?^JL
Me: no, that would cost me a lot more per month. if I use the upgrade from one of my existing smartphones with unlimited data to upgrade the feature phone, will i still be able to keep my unlimited data?
VZW: If you upgrade after the 28th and get a discount on the device you would change to a tiered data plan.^JL
VZW: I apologize after the 28th if you did an alt upgrade both lines would have to chose tiered data.^JL
VZW: ok, what about new customers? is the only option going to be share everything?
VZW: Yes, new customers after the 28th would choose from the share everything plans! ^JL
Also, this comes directly from VZW website:
I have an unlimited data plan on my account. Do I need to change it?You're not required to move to Share Everything but if you do, unlimited data will not be retained on your line. As a Verizon Wireless customer you have choices when you upgrade at discounted pricing. You can choose from a standalone data package starting at $30 for 2GB or a Share Everything Plan. If keeping unlimited is important to you, you can choose to upgrade and pay full retail price for the phone.
So please everyone do a little research before giving out advice like "make sure everyone in your family share plan buys a phone for full retail to keep your unlimited data". I hope that the person who got that advice sees this so that he doesnt spend a crap ton of money he didnt need to...