Thank you Rojo7905 for that wonderful piece of information! I hope those answers you've got should be implemented to all Verizon CSRs where they use verbatimly from their How to Handle Customers handbook

. I feel relieved at how I don't feel bad for the phones that my parents are using. I have 3 basic phones in my plan, and with that statement, I'm glad that I still can upgrade theirs. Verizon are so cunning don't they :icon_ devil:?
Transferring an upgrade will cause both lines involved to lose unlimited data (but it will not cause you to be moved to a share everything plan.)" Rojo7905.
Say :icon_ nono: to that transfer upgrades loophole for those who thought they can add Tiered Data phone in their line in hope to transfer upgrade it to their Unlimited data phone(s). Well unless you have basic phones to accompany your plan, it might still work. Nonetheless, that hole is tinier now.