Looks like this device wasn't ready for prime-time either.
I understand there will be glitches in ANY product, even if you beta test it for 10 years.
I haven't been keeping track of each and every issue with this phone, but it seems to be leaving a sour taste in quite a few peoples' mouths.
Hopefully for the users' sake, they get these issue resolved quickly!!
Early adopters have to realize that this happens, either deal with it til it's fixed or move on to another device.
From a hacking point of view...totally understandable.
However, I don't think John Q. Public wants to hear that!
You purchase something with the safe assumption that it will simply work.
Poor Johnny was led to believe from a VZW representative and VZW commercials that this phone is the next best thing since sliced bread, only to experience something different.
Now common sense should kick in and make Mr. Public realize its a new technology, but common sense isn't that common.
Definitely not bashing here. I just hope the users get the issues resolved quickly or given some kind of credit to their accounts or maybe some screen protectors or something for the inconvenience.