Senior Member
To this day I cannot for the life of me understand people like that. Why would anyone turn down a device that has MORE potential for one that has less. Even if they were to never use said potential the fact that it remains available to them if they so choose to is still there. Instead they opt for the lesser, read iPhone, in order to gain some type of social status or because its' prettier.
Your dogmatism never ceases to frustrate the crap out of me! Sometimes you make perfectly rational statements... and then sometimes you turn around and make statements that are clearly influenced by some sort of underlying pseudo-impression that anything Apple is equivalent to a pedophile, and Android is equivalent to the second coming of Christ. (yes, I know you've met Steve Jobs, and he was a pompous jerk, and all that...)
If you have a problem with "people like that", then you must walk around with a problem with most of the world's population. Why? Because most people have priorities in their lives, and smartphones/cellphones do not fall within those priorities. Therefore, most people will "settle" (as you see it) on issues that do not fall within their priorities. Do some people get the iPhone simply as a status symbol? Sure. Just as much as the Android fanboys dig Android just because it "bucks the trend" of the iPhone. It's a ridiculous argument. As my wife always says... "who the heck cares? It's a phone for goodness sake..."
Sarcasm aside, I'm with OneTenderRebel - I hate the dogmatic, irrational B.S. spewed by both Android and Apple fanboys alike, and I absolutely hate seeing blanket generalizations that place categories on people based on the type of smartphone they buy.
Well I do have a problem with most of the world's population for one reason or another. So you are right on that point. I believe and have evidence, anecdotal and empirical, that because Apple and Microsoft are making dumbed down technology products that society in general follows suit and gets dumber. The whole "who the heck cares?" is the exact problem. If more people were to challenge themselves just for the sake of challenge and the knowledge gained from it we as a society in general would be better off. Whether it be a challenge to learn a new programming language, spoken language, iron working, auto mechanics, hacking a phone or a PMP, how to ride a unicycle, wilderness survival, etc... Instead most people choose the easiest path out and in doing so not only hurt themselves by denying mental and physical growth but also pass that mentality and attitude to their offspring and so on. If you have never watched the movie "Idiocracy" I suggest you do. You will find some really scary similarities in a stupid satirical comedy and society today.