I think that is part of the problem people are so quick to root and jump on every rom with out reading, backing it up, or knowing how to unroot. In the end we bought the phone and if in the 14 days I have it if I don't like the way it is stock then I should get a phone I like. I am not against rooting intact I like teaching it. But the problem is we do not have a RESPONSIBLE rooting community. Its the same community that think its OK to burn through crazy amount of data via unauthorized tethering apps because they have unlimited data. I am not trying to sound righteous because I been there and know how it feels to panic. But I admire the people willing to fix their mistakes. And over the past 2 years I only saw 2 phones that were truly bricked and it was hardware related. I am a fan of the community but I think we need to be smarter. Why are people taking rooted phones to Vzw in the first place. And if you did rsdlite and a factory reset the only way he can tell if you were rooted is if you had rooted apps on your phone. If he went through your sdcard then I would have called a manager because he have no right going through your sdcard intact that is why they tell you to take your sdcard out because it have personal info. Point being is if you going to root be responsible enough to make sure u can fix it.
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