Reading this is very funny actually, and seen this same topic about every 4 months over the years. And it just gets more hatred as time goes on.
Yeah alright Verizon raise those damn unlimited data customers prices, yeah cancel those unlimited plans etc. etc.
The fact is Many people gave up their unlimited either because they needed that new phone today instead of waiting to pay for it in whole, or they were fooled by the many false articles here and elsewhere about how you better jump on this deal cause unlimited is going away.
I could of bought stocks many years ago that made people rich, i dont hold it against them that they bought it, I dont sit and talk down to them for their smart move, and i dont sit and hope they go bankrupt.
The number of people with hate filled messages about us wise enough to keep our unlimited is staggering.
I only use about 12-20 gigs off football season and 30 during football season, since it says nfl mobile not nfl wifi.
I only tether if needed for a short period of time, i haven't used tether in at least 4 months., and when i did it was only due to my home internet which i pay 55 a month for was down and i needed to do something important.
There are reasons to stay and reasons to leave. NFL mobile is probably the reason i wouldn't make the switch, but tmobile unlimited which now pretty much shuts down at 23 gigs is something that i would be more pissed off about than a 20 dollar increase,.
there are pluses and minuses with both thats why i use to have both until i moved here where tmobile was in 1920 until just recently when they upgraded form 2g to LTE.
I lived in an area in colorado where verizon just didnt work at my house.
So i got tmobile which was great there, but kept the verizon phone so i wouldn't lose unlimited.
So all you crying about us on unlimited some of us spent a lot of money we didnt need to to keep it,
So stop crying about it , many of you had the same opportunity to keep unlimited data either on verzion or the service you switched from after the option for unlimited on verizon was gone.
Everyone is going to ***** when a price goes up almost 50% and/or 20 dollars a month, weather it be unlimited users, tiered users, the coffee club card, cable whatever. That doesnt give anyone the right to say oh yeah screw you guys for being smart and spending the extra to keep it, see they got you yeah yeah yeah down with people who weren't like me and gave it up.
Do you go to the gas station and yell at the people getting 10 cents off a gallon because they shopped at a certain store, but you dont get the 10 cents because you made an alternative decision and shopped at a store that doesnt offer the discount. ( put aside we all know its the same in the end you pay for it 1 way or the other)
Just most of us on unlimited have payed for it, we dont have unlimited minutes and messaging. we cant legally tether.
Their are downsides, but it depends wht you use your phone for. I like to watch football when away from the house and netflix etc. I barely make phone calls, but i pay extra every month in texting charges because im afraid if i tried to up it id lose unlimited.
All i see is a bunch of people silly enough to give up unlimited and cry to them selves every time we dont lose it, very shallow people.