No doubt it does on my Note4.
If I tip the phone (with the top further away from my eyes than the bottom) all three appear to be at different levels. And especially in comparison to the white text just below the 3 colored sections. It looks as though the colored text would scroll under the white.
Isn't that a FREAKY optical illusion? The fact is that the three light sources (and the composite fourth which is white), are at different wavelengths and so they reflect, defract and converge to hit the retina at different times so the brain interprets it as a distance rather than timing. I thought perhaps I was seeing things. Thank you SOOO much for verifiying that for me.
And there it is:
Chromostereopsis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Chromostereopsis is a visual
illusion whereby the impression of
depth is conveyed in
two-dimensional color images, usually of red-blue or red-green colors, but can also be perceived with red-grey or blue-grey images.
[1][2] Such
illusions have been reported for over a century and have generally been attributed to some form of
chromatic aberration.
Chromatic aberration results from the differential
refraction of light depending on its
wavelength, causing some light rays to
converge before others in the eye (longitudinal chromatic aberration or LCA) and/or to be located on non-corresponding locations of the two eyes during binocular viewing (transverse chromatic aberration or TCA).
Chhromostereopsis is usually observed using a target with red and blue bars and an
achromatic background. Positive chromostereopsis is exhibited when the red bars are perceived in front of the blue and negative chromostereopsis is exhibited when the red bars are perceived behind the blue.
[8] Several models have been proposed to explain this effect which is often attributed to longitudinal and/or transverse chromatic aberrations.
[6] However, recent work attributes most of the stereoptic effect to transverse chromatic aberrations in combination with cortical factors.
It has been proposed that chromostereopsis could have evolutionary implications in the development of
eyespots in certain butterfly species. Additionally, some
stained-glass artists were probably very aware of this effect, using it to generate protruding or receding, sometimes referred to as "warm" and "cold", color images.