Hi Viperboy,
Thank you for offering to help on the forums!! I have a problem where whenever I get a txt message and I press the box to reply back, my virtual keyboard (while the phone is vertical) does not show up. The box doesn't even get highlighted with the orange/yellow color and then the screen will either freeze or will let me scroll through the txt thread, but I won't be able to go to the home screen for a bit. Then, it'll either tell me that the txt messaging needs a force close or I'll be able to go to the home screen.
Is there a solution to this?
Secondly, along with the messaging issue, when I'm using the virtual keyboard my keys won't go through. For example, I'll type out "apple" on the keyboard and it'll say that I pressed it (i.e. the letter bubble will pop up when I press the letter), but when I look in my txt bar, it'll only have "apl" typed out. I tried typing slower and it still does it. =/
Thirdly, I know you said not to post any questions about specific apps, but whenever I run my task killer app, a lot of apps that I haven't even touched or opened will be on my "to kill" list. It's not just the same apps all the time either. Sometimes I'll get corporate email, alarm clock, settings, etc. I'll kill everything and then lock my phone. Wait like 5 mins and unlock it and open task killer, and it'll say I have a list of apps running. Is that normal to have apps start and run in the background even though I haven't opened it up myself?
Also, when I call someone I hear a high pitched ringing noise. It doesn't happen all the time, but it happens like 95% of the time. When I put it on the speaker I don't hear it. I took it to Verizon and they exchanged it for me, but it's still happening. This is my 3rd Droid because my first one's sensor was broken and that phone never had this high pitched ringing noise, so I don't know what to think. Since the first one didn't do it though, there must be a problem, right? =/ What should I do? I want to go get a new Droid, but I just feel like I'm having to exchange too many times.
Lastly, I turned off the "haptic feedback" option in the settings, but whenever I unlock my phone (move the green circle on the unlock screen), it'll vibrate my phone. Is this normal?
Thank you!!!