Capacity issue... please. Verizon is a massive service provider and profits fistfuls of money. What they have is an inappropriate investment in infrastructure to pay high dividends to investors. Verizon's obviously done cost analysis and decided you won't leave them as a customer as they nickel and dime you some more because they're not investing in capacity expansion.
They don't need shiny new towers, they need to allocate more bandwidth on their (huge) fiber network and plan for the capacity in their upcoming 4G expansion.
The best thing consumers can do if it really matters to them is switch to sprint and tell Verizon and AT&T to stuff it. If enough people did it to make a difference AT&T and Verizon would drop tiered pricing in a heartbeat.
You obviously have no appreciation for concepts of cost of capital or return on investment. You just assume because there may or may not be spare capacity now that you should be entitled to use that free of charge for life.
It's not a necessary service they provide. There are multiple alternatives. Supply and demand will dictate what a fair price is in terms of value delivered. If VZW charges too much for the service they provide, they will lose market share and investors will boot out the execs. Ultimately they seem to have a much better handle on this issue than you do.