.. Give it some time.. 3 months? You'll see some neats things for Android phones! ..
What do you expect to see in the next 3 months. Next week I can FINALLY upgrade, but do I? I have to decide, but if some more cool things are coming out in the next few months, I could probably wait. I would want to have an idea of what I was waiting for. opcorn:
In three months there will other newer, better, faster, sexier phones almost ready to come out. And six months from now...etc.
If you're not wedded to a physical keyboard, you're unlikely to see a better android phone from Verizon for the next six to nine months.
The bottom line is that the Incredible is a more finished consumer device with the more powerful processor required to deliver that experience. If that appeals to you, go for it. If you'd rather have a device that appeals to geeks who like to play around with their phone's features, stick with the Droid.